نتایج جستجو

Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods With R
Patrícia Martinková, Adéla Hladká, 2023
Nuclear Structure Problems - Proceedings Of The French-japanese Symposium : Proceedings of the French - Japanese Symposium
Hideaki Otsu; Tohru Motobayashi; Patricia Roussel-Chomaz; Takaharu Otsuka, 2012
Computational Aspects of Psychometric Methods With R
Patrícia Martinková, Adéla Hladká, 2023
Future Financial Economics of Health Professional Education: Proceedings of a Workshop
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Global Health; Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education; Megan M. Perez; Patricia A. Cuff, 2017
Perinatal and Pediatric Bereavement in Nursing and Other Health Professions
Beth Perry Black; Patricia Moyle Wright; Rana Limbo, 2015
Complementary and Integrative Treatments in Psychiatric Practice
Patricia L. Gerbarg; Philip R. Muskin; Richard P. Brown, 2017
When Roots Die: Endangered Traditions on the Sea Islands
Patricia Jones-Jackson; Charles Joyner, 1987
Exploring a Business Case for High-Value Continuing Professional Development: Proceedings of a Workshop
and Medicine Engineering National Academies of Sciences; Health and Medicine Division; Board on Global Health; Global Forum on Innovation in Health Professional Education; Erin Hammers Forstag; Patricia A. Cuff, 2018
Mapping the Megalopolis: Order and Disorder in Mexico City
Glen David Kuecker; C. Patricia Tovar; Alejandro Puga; María Claudia André; Charlotte Blair; Jennifer L. Johnson; Shannan Mattiace; Patrick J. O'Connor; V. Daniel Rogers; Marta Sierra, 2017
Donne medicina. Un viaggio attraverso lo spazio, il tempo e la Pacha Mama
Patricia Martina, 2014
Patricia Levy; Michael Spilling; Caitlin Tessman, 2018
Classical liberalism by country. Vol. II: Mexico, Guatemala, Ecuador, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, and Brazil
Daniel Klein, Jason Briggeman, Jane Shaw Stroup (Eds.), Pavel Kuchař, Andrés Marroquín, Fritz Thomas, Pedro Romero, Fergus Hodgson, María Paz Gómez, Patricia Saenz-Armstrong, Sebastián Rodríguez, Gilberto Ramírez, Hugo Faria, Leonor Filardo, Lucas Berlanza (Auths.), 2023
Asia Through the Ages : Early History to European Colonialism
Patricia A. Dawson, 2015
Atlantic Canadian Imprints : A Bibliography, 1801-1820
Patricia Lockhart Fleming, 1991
The Corporeal Imagination : Signifying the Holy in Late Ancient Christianity
Patricia Cox Miller, 2009
Sacrifice In Stone
Patricia Mason, 2012
Great Expectations: Emigrant Governesses in Colonial Australia
Patricia Clarke, 2020
Please Select Your Gender : From the Invention of Hysteria to the Democratizing of Transgenderism
Patricia Gherovici, 2010
Debbie Nevins; Don Bosco; Patricia Levy, 2016
The Politics of Trash - How Governments Used Corruption to Clean Cities, 1890–1929
Patricia Strach, 2023
Burn Bright
Patricia Briggs, 2018
Patricia Wants to Cuddle
Samantha Allen, 2022
Smoke Bitten
Patricia Briggs, 2020