نتایج جستجو

Machine Learning: ECML-95: 8th European Conference on Machine Learning Heraclion, Crete, Greece, April 25–27, 1995 Proceedings
Jörg Gebhardt, Rudolf Kruse (auth.), Nada Lavrac, Stefan Wrobel (eds.), 1995
La matematica: Volume primo: I luoghi e i tempi
Claudio Bartocci, Piergiorgio Odifreddi (Eds.), 2007
The Many Canons of Tibetan Buddhism
Helmut Eimer, David Germano (eds), 2002
Reconciliación. Experiencias en Colombia y el mundo
Angelika Rettberg & Juan Esteban Ugarriza (Eds.)., 2023
The Minimal Cell: The Biophysics of Cell Compartment and the Origin of Cell Functionality
Jacqueline D. Keighron, Christine D. Keating (auth.), Pier Luigi Luisi, Pasquale Stano (eds.), 2011
Forces of Quantum Vacuum - Introduction to Casimir Physics
Ulf Leonhardt; William M. R Simpson (eds.), 2015
Formal Methods and Software Engineering: 13th International Conference on Formal Engineering Methods, ICFEM 2011, Durham, UK, October 26-28, 2011. Proceedings
Yongxin Zhao, He Jifeng (auth.), Shengchao Qin, Zongyan Qiu (eds.), 2011
Crisis and Change in Contemporary India
Upendra Baxi, Bhikhu Parekh (eds.), 1995
Historia económica del norte peruano. Señoríos, haciendas y minas en el espacio regional.
Contreras Carlos, Hernández Elizabeth (Eds), 2017
Geschichte des Infanterie-Regiments Herzog Ferdinand von Braunschweig (8. Westfälisches) Nr. 57
Adolph. von Schimmelmann, Richard Feiber (eds.), 1901
Politik im Rechtsstaat
Christian Schmidt, Benno Zabel (eds.), 2021
Lachmanns Erbe: Editionsmethoden in klassischer Philologie und germanistischer Mediävistik
Anna Kathrin Bleuler, Oliver Primavesi (eds.), 2022
Eberhard Fechner: Chronist des Alltäglichen
Rolf Aurich, Torsten Musial (eds.), 2019
Karl Fruchtmann: Ein jüdischer Erzähler
Torsten Musial, Nicky Rittmeyer (eds.), 2019
Bildung und Digitalität. Analysen – Diskurse – Perspektiven
Sandra Aßmann, Norbert Ricken (eds.), 2023
The Inca and Aztec states, 1400-1800 : anthropology and history
George Allen Collier; Renato Rosaldo; John D. Wirth (eds.), 1982
Potosí in the Global Silver Age (16th—19th Centuries)
Rossana Barragán R. - Paula C. Zagalsky (eds.), 2023
Pädagogik der Anerkennung. Grundlagen, Konzepte, Praxisfelder
Benno Hafeneger, Peter Henkenborg, Albert Scherr (eds.), 2013
Handbook of Biocide and Preservative Use
H. W. Rossmoore (auth.), H. W. Rossmoore (eds.), 1995
Arctica: Essays Presented to Åke Campbell 1.5.1956
Arne Furumark, Sture Lagercrantz, Israel Ruong, Dag Strömbäck, Geo Widengren (eds.), 1956
A Nation Empowered Evidence Trumps the Excuses Holding Back America’s Brightest Students VOLUME 2
Susan G. Assouline, Nicholas Colangelo, Joyce VanTassel-Baska, and Ann Lupkowski-Shoplik (eds.), 2005
Thai Constructions of Knowledge
Manas Chitakasem; Andrew Turton eds, 1991
Western and Northern Europe June 1942–1945
Katja Happe , Barbara Lambauer, Clemens Maier-Wolthausen (eds.), 2021
Frontiers in Thyroidology: Volume 1
Marvin C. Gershengorn (auth.), Geraldo Medeiros-Neto M.D., Eduardo Gaitan M.D. (eds.), 1986