نتایج جستجو

Cardiovascular Pediatric Critical Illness and Injury
Keith C. Kocis MD, MS, Ana Lia. Graciano MD (auth.), Thomas P. Shanley, Hector R. Wong, Derek S. Wheeler (eds.), 2009
Classic Papers in Critical Care
Tom Whitehead, Arthur S. Slutsky (auth.), Mitchell Fink MD, Michelle Hayes MD FRCA, Neil Soni MD FRCA FANZCA FJFICM (eds.), 2008
Critical Care of Children with Heart Disease: Basic Medical and Surgical Concepts
Daniel Sidi, Eduardo M. da Cruz (auth.), Ricardo Munoz, Victor Morell, Eduardo Cruz, Carol Vetterly (eds.), 2010
Critical Infrastructure Protection IV: Fourth Annual IFIP WG 11.10 International Conference on Critical Infrastructure Protection, ICCIP 2010, Washington, DC, USA, March 15-17, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Neil Robinson, Dimitris Potoglou, Chong Kim, Peter Burge, Richard Warnes (auth.), Tyler Moore, Sujeet Shenoi (eds.), 2010
Bourdieu: The Next Generation: The Development of Bourdieu's Intellectual Heritage in Contemporary UK Sociology
Jenny Thatcher, Nicola Ingram, Ciaran Burke, Jessie Abrahams (eds.), 2016
Chasing Warsaw: Socio-Material Dynamics of Urban Change since 1990
(eds.) Monika Grubbauer, Joanna Kusiak, 2012
Conversational Repair and Human Understanding
Makoto Hayashi, Geoffrey Raymond, Jack Sidnell (Eds.), 2013
Die Integrationsdebatte zwischen Assimilation und Diversität. Grenzziehungen in Theorie, Kunst und Gesellschaft
Özkan Ezli, Andreas Langenohl, Valentin Rauer, Claudia Marion Voigtmann (eds.), 2013
Environmental Imaginaries of the Middle East and North Africa
Diana K. Davis and Edmund Burke III (eds.), 2011
Environmental Sociology: European Perspectives and Interdisciplinary Challenges
Harald Heinrichs, Matthias Gross (auth.), Matthias Gross, Harald Heinrichs (eds.), 2010
10th International Conference on Automated Deduction: Kaiserslautern, FRG, July 24–27, 1990 Proceedings
Robert S. Boyer, J Strother Moore (auth.), Mark E. Stickel (eds.), 1990
Computer-Aided Reasoning: ACL2 Case Studies
Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, J. Strother Moore (auth.), Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, J. Strother Moore (eds.), 2000
Computer-aided reasoning: ACL2 case studies
Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, J. Strother Moore (auth.), Matt Kaufmann, Panagiotis Manolios, J. Strother Moore (eds.), 2000
Design and Verification of Microprocessor Systems for High-Assurance Applications
Matt Kaufmann, J Strother Moore (auth.), David S. Hardin (eds.), 2010
25 Years of Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics: Proceedings of the XIII Sitges Conference, Held in Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 13–17 June 1994
Joel L. Lebowitz (auth.), J. J. Brey, J. Marro, J. M. Rubí, M. San Miguel (eds.), 1995
A Primer in Density Functional Theory
John P. Perdew, Stefan Kurth (auth.), Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira, Miguel A. L. Marques (eds.), 2003
A Primer in Density Functional Theory
John P. Perdew, Stefan Kurth (auth.), Carlos Fiolhais, Fernando Nogueira, Miguel A. L. Marques (eds.), 2003
A Treatise
E.R. Weber (Eds.), 2008
Accretion discs, jets and high energy phenomena in astrophysics
Beskin V., et al. (eds.), 2002
Accretion discs, jets and high energy phenomena in astrophysics: Les Houches Session LXXVIII, 29 July-23 August, 2002
Jean Heyvaerts (auth.), Vassily Beskin, Gilles Henri, François Menard, Guy Pelletier, Jean Dalibard (eds.), 2003
Evidence-Based Cardiology Consult
Edward J. Miller MD, PhD (auth.), Kathleen Stergiopoulos, David L. Brown (eds.), 2014
The Natural Philosophy of Leibniz
Kathleen Okruhlik, James Robert Brown (auth.), Kathleen Okruhlik, James Robert Brown (eds.), 1985
Adaptive and Multilevel Metaheuristics
Konstantin Chakhlevitch, Peter Cowling (auth.), Carlos Cotta, Marc Sevaux, Kenneth Sörensen (eds.), 2008
Adaptive Techniques for Dynamic Processor Optimization: Theory and Practice
David Scott, Alice Wang (auth.), Alice Wang, Samuel Naffziger (eds.), 2008