نتایج جستجو

Complete guide to semiconductor devices
Kwok K.Ng., 1995
Compound Semiconductor Bulk Materials and Characterizations
Osamu Oda, 2008
Compound Semiconductor Devices: Structures and Processing
Kenneth A. Jackson, 1998
Compound Semiconductor Devices: Structures and Processing
Kenneth A. Jackson, 1998
Contacts to Semiconductors: Fundamentals and Technology (Materials Science and Process Technology)
Leonard J. Brillson, 1994
Defect Complexes in Semiconductor Structures
J. Giber, F. Beleznay, I. C. Szep, J. Laszlo, 1983
Diffusion in Semiconductors
C.E. Allen, D.L. Beke, H. Bracht, C.M. Bruff, M.B. Dutt, G. Erdelyi, P. Gas, F.M. d'Heurle, G.E. Murch, E.G. Seebauer, B.L. Sharma, N.A. Stolwijk, 1998
Digital Metal-oxide Semiconductor Integrated Circuits
Mohamed I. Elmasry, 1981
Electric Conduction in Semiconductors and Metals
W. Ehrenberg, 1958
Electrodynamics of the Semiconductor Band Edge
A. Stahl, I. Balslev, 1987
Electrodynamics of the Semiconductor Band Edge
Arne Stahl, Ivar Balslev, 1987
Electrons and Phonons in Semiconductor Multilayers
B. K. Ridley, 2009
Electrons and Phonons in Semiconductor Multilayers
B. K. Ridley, 2009
Полупроводниковые и электровакуумные приборы в устройствах автоматики,телемеханики и связи
Бодиловский В.Г., 1986
Computational Electronics: Semiconductor Transport and Device Simulation
M. R. Pinto, W. M. Coughran Jr., C. S. Rafferty, R. K. Smith, E. Sangiorgi (auth.), K. Hess, J. P. Leburton, U. Ravaioli (eds.), 1991
Nonlinear spatio-temporal dynamics and chaos in semiconductors
Eckehard Schöll, 2001
Spatio-Temporal Dynamics and Quantum Fluctuations in Semiconductor Lasers
Dr. Edeltraud Gehrig, Professor Ortwin Hess (auth.), 2003
Электронные компоненты. Полупроводниковая светотехника и оптоэлектроника
Коллектив авторов, 2007
Introduction to Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading
Naval Education & Training Professional Development & Technology Center