نتایج جستجو

Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering: Theoretical and Advanced Technologies (Science, Technology, and Management)
Pankaj Agarwal (editor), Lokesh Bajpai (editor), Chandra Pal Singh (editor), Kapil Gupta (editor), J. Paulo Davim (editor), 2021
The Oxford Handbook of International Business Strategy (Oxford Handbooks)
Kamel Mellahi (editor), Klaus Meyer (editor), Rajneesh Narula (editor), Irina Surdu (editor), Alain Verbeke (editor), 2021
Internet of Things: Energy, Industry, and Healthcare
Arun Kumar Rana (editor), Ayodeji Olalekan Salau (editor), Sharad Sharma (editor), Shubham Tayal (editor), Swati Gupta (editor), 2021
The Neuroscience of Depression: Features, Diagnosis, and Treatment
Colin R. Martin (editor), Lan-Anh Hunter (editor), Vinood B. Patel (editor), Victor R. Preedy (editor), Rajkumar Rajendram (editor), 2021
Teaching and Learning in Environmental Law: Pedagogy, Methodology and Best Practice
Amanda Kennedy (editor), Anél du Plessis (editor), Rob Fowler (editor), Evan Hamman (editor), Ceri Warnock (editor), 2021
Industrial engineering and operations management : XXVI IJCIEOM (2nd Edition), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, February 22-24, 2021
Luiz Felipe Scavarda (editor); João Carlos Gonçalves dos Reis (editor); Antônio Márcio Tavares Thomé (editor); Rafael Garcia Barbastefano (editor); Marlene Paula Castro Amorim (editor), 2021
Excursions in Harmonic Analysis, Volume 6: In Honor of John Benedetto’s 80th Birthday (Applied and Numerical Harmonic Analysis)
Matthew Hirn (editor), Shidong Li (editor), Kasso A. Okoudjou (editor), Sandra Saliani (editor), Özgür Yilmaz (editor), 2021
Progress in Artificial Intelligence: 20th EPIA Conference on Artificial Intelligence, EPIA 2021, Virtual Event, September 7–9, 2021, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12981)
Goreti Marreiros (editor), Francisco S. Melo (editor), Nuno Lau (editor), Henrique Lopes Cardoso (editor), Luís Paulo Reis (editor), 2021
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Band II/10,1: Briefe 1918-1920, 1. Halbband
Max Weber, Gerd Krumeich (editor), M, Rainer Lepsius (editor), Uta Hinz (editor), Sybille Oßwald-Bargende (editor), Manfred Schön (editor), 2012
Max Weber-Gesamtausgabe, Band II/10,2: Briefe 1918-1920, 2. Halbband
Max Weber, Gerd Krumeich (editor), M, Rainer Lepsius (editor), Uta Hinz (editor), Sybille Oßwald-Bargende (editor), Manfred Schön (editor), 2012
Intelligent Computing Theories and Application: 17th International Conference, ICIC 2021, Shenzhen, China, August 12–15, 2021, Proceedings, Part I
De-Shuang Huang (editor), Kang-Hyun Jo (editor), Jianqiang Li (editor), Valeriya Gribova (editor), Vitoantonio Bevilacqua (editor), 2021
Robotics for sustainable future : CLAWAR 2021
M. O. Tokhi (editor); Manuel F. Silva (editor); Khaled Goher (editor); Daisuke Chugo (editor); Taro Nakamura (editor), 2022
Mathematical and Computational Oncology: Second International Symposium, ISMCO 2020, San Diego, CA, USA, October 8–10, 2020, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12508)
George Bebis (editor), Max Alekseyev (editor), Heyrim Cho (editor), Jana Gevertz (editor), Maria Rodriguez Martinez (editor), 2020
Medical Management of Wildlife Species: A Guide for Practitioners
Sonia M. Hernandez (editor), Heather W. Barron (editor), Erica A. Miller (editor), Roberto F. Aguilar (editor), Michael J. Yabsley (editor), 2019
Big Data Technologies and Applications: 10th EAI International Conference, BDTA 2020, and 13th EAI International Conference on Wireless Internet, ... and Telecommunications Engineering, 371)
Zeng Deze (editor), Huan Huang (editor), Rui Hou (editor), Seungmin Rho (editor), Naveen Chilamkurti (editor), 2021
Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing: 15th CCF Conference, ChineseCSCW 2020, Shenzhen, China, November 7–9, 2020, Revised Selected ... in Computer and Information Science, 1330)
Yuqing Sun (editor), Dongning Liu (editor), Hao Liao (editor), Hongfei Fan (editor), Liping Gao (editor), 2021
Mapping Urban Spaces: Designing the European City
Lamberto Amistadi (editor), Valter Balducci (editor), Tomasz Bradecki (editor), Enrico Prandi (editor), Uwe Schröder (editor), 2021
Computing Technologies and Applications: Paving Path Towards Society 5.0
Latesh Malik (editor), Sandhya Arora (editor), Urmila Shrawankar (editor), Maya Ingle (editor), Indu Bhagat (editor), 2021
New Trends in Nonlinear Dynamics: Proceedings of the First International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2019), Volume III
Walter Lacarbonara (editor), Balakumar Balachandran (editor), Jun Ma (editor), J. A. Tenreiro Machado (editor), Gabor Stepan (editor), 2020
Observing the Scribe at Work: Scribal Practice in the Ancient World
Rodney Ast (editor), Malcolm Choat (editor), Jennifer Cromwell (editor), Julia Lougovaya (editor), Rachel Yuen-Collingridge (editor), 2021
The Handbook of Critical Literacies
Jessica Zacher Pandya (editor), Raúl Alberto Mora (editor), Jennifer Helen Alford (editor), Noah Asher Golden (editor), Roberto Santiago de Roock (editor), 2021
One Health: The Theory and Practice of Integrated Health Approaches
Esther Schelling (editor), Lisa Crump (editor), Maxine Whittaker (editor), Marcel Tanner (editor), Craig Stephen (editor), 2020
Geomedia Studies: Spaces and Mobilities in Mediatized Worlds
Karin Fast (editor), André Jansson (editor), Johan Lindell (editor), Linda Ryan Bengtsson (editor), Mekonnen Tesfahuney (editor), 2017
Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management: 14th International Conference, KSEM 2021, Tokyo, Japan, August 14–16, 2021, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12816)
Han Qiu (editor), Cheng Zhang (editor), Zongming Fei (editor), Meikang Qiu (editor), Sun-Yuan Kung (editor), 2021