نتایج جستجو

Operations Research Proceedings 2012: Selected Papers of the International Annual Conference of the German Operations Research Society (GOR), Leibniz University of Hannover, Germany, September 5-7, 2012
Pascal Lutter (auth.), Stefan Helber, Michael Breitner, Daniel Rösch, Cornelia Schön, Johann-Matthias Graf von der Schulenburg, Philipp Sibbertsen, Marc Steinbach, Stefan Weber, Anja Wolter (eds.), 2014
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Management
Dominique Gay, Marc Boullé (auth.), Fabrice Guillet, Bruno Pinaud, Gilles Venturini, Djamel Abdelkader Zighed (eds.), 2013
Human-Computer Interaction: The Agency Perspective
Pieter Desmet, Marc Hassenzahl (auth.), Marielba Zacarias, José Valente de Oliveira (eds.), 2012
Chemical Anatomy of the Zebrafish Retina
Stephen Yazulla, Keith M. Studholme, Robert E. Marc, David Cameron (auth.), 2002
Instrumentation and Metrology in Oceanography
Marc Le Menn(auth.), 2012
Advanced Gate Stacks for High-Mobility Semiconductors
S. Takagi (auth.), Dr. Athanasios Dimoulas, Evgeni Gusev, Professor Paul C. McIntyre, Professor Marc Heyns (eds.), 2007
Handbuch zum Internetrecht: Electronic Commerce - Informations-, Kommunikations-und Mediendienste
Detlef Kröger, R A Marc A. Gimmy (auth.), 2000
Computer Security — ESORICS 98: 5th European Symposium on Research in Computer Security Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium September 16–18, 1998 Proceedings
Hervé Debar, Marc Dacier, Mehdi Nassehi, Andreas Wespi (auth.), Jean-Jacques Quisquater, Yves Deswarte, Catherine Meadows, Dieter Gollmann (eds.), 1998
Entertainment Computing: Technologies and Application
Marc Cavazza, Fred Charles, Steven J. Mead (auth.), Ryohei Nakatsu, Junichi Hoshino (eds.), 2003
Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows: Part I: Biology
Marc Thiriet (auth.), 2008
Biology and Mechanics of Blood Flows: Part I: Biology
Marc Thiriet (auth.), 2008
Making the History of Computing Relevant: IFIP WG 9.7 International Conference, HC 2013, London, UK, June 17-18, 2013, Revised Selected Papers
Marc Weber (auth.), Arthur Tatnall, Tilly Blyth, Roger Johnson (eds.), 2013
Regulatory Mechanisms in Breast Cancer: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer
Margaret C. Sunderland, William L. McGuire (auth.), Marc E. Lippman, Robert B. Dickson (eds.), 1991
Methods in Angiology: A Physical-Technical Introduction Written for Clinicians by Physicians
D. E. Strandness Jr. (auth.), Marc Verstraete M.D. (eds.), 1980
Genetics Behavioral Treatment Social Mediators and Prevention Current Concepts in Diagnosis
Donald W. Goodwin (auth.), Marc Galanter M.D., Henri Begleiter, Theodore Cicero, Richard Deitrich, Donald W. Goodwin, Edward Gottheil, Alfonso Paredes, Marcus Rothschild, Jeanette Mason (eds.), 1983
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering: ECIFMBE 2008 23–27 November 2008 Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Voss, R. Schroeder, M. Vallverdú, H. Brunel, I. Cygankiewicz (auth.), Jos Vander Sloten, Pascal Verdonck, Marc Nyssen, Jens Haueisen (eds.), 2009
4th European Conference of the International Federation for Medical and Biological Engineering: ECIFMBE 2008 23–27 November 2008 Antwerp, Belgium
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Andreas Voss, R. Schroeder, M. Vallverdú, H. Brunel, I. Cygankiewicz (auth.), Jos Vander Sloten, Pascal Verdonck, Marc Nyssen, Jens Haueisen (eds.), 2009
Basic Radiotherapy Physics and Biology
David S. Chang, Foster D. Lasley, Indra J. Das, Marc S. Mendonca, Joseph R. Dynlacht (auth.), 2014
Genes, Oncogenes, and Hormones: Advances in Cellular and Molecular Biology of Breast Cancer
Richard M. Elledge, William L. McGuire (auth.), Robert B. Dickson, Marc E. Lippman (eds.), 1992
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Marc Lavoie (auth.), 2009
Introduction to Post-Keynesian Economics
Marc Lavoie (auth.), 2006
Monetary Economics: An Integrated Approach to Credit, Money, Income, Production and Wealth
Wynne Godley, Marc Lavoie (auth.), 2007
Ausbildung zum Berufskraftfahrer: Defizite und Aktualisierungsmöglichkeiten
Marc Hofmann (auth.), 1998
Music and Schema Theory: Cognitive Foundations of Systematic Musicology
Dr. Marc Leman (auth.), 1995