نتایج جستجو

Einstein and the Birth of Big Science
Peter Coles, 2000
Einstein and the Total Eclipse
Peter Coles, 1999
Metadebates on Science: The Blue Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte”
A. M. Adam (auth.), 1999
Quantum Structures and the Nature of Reality: The Indigo Book of “Einstein Meets Magritte”
David J. Foulis (auth.), 1999
L'universo di Newton e di Einstein. Introduzione alla filosofia della natura
Enrique Lòpez-Dòriga, 1991
Einstein in His Own Words
Anne Rooney, 2006
Einstein in His Own Words: Science, Religion, Politics, Philosophy
Anne Rooney, 2006
Relativity: The Special and the General Theory
Albert Einstein, 2010
Einstein for the 21st Century: His Legacy in Science, Art, and Modern Culture
Peter L. Galison, 2008
Albert Einstein: The Life of a genius
Jack Steinberg, 2015
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time
Richard P. Feynman, 2011
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time
Richard P. Feynman, 2011
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time
Richard P. Feynman, 2011
Six Not-So-Easy Pieces: Einstein's Relativity, Symmetry, and Space-Time
Richard P. Feynman, 2011
Spazio e Tempo secondo le vedute di A. Einstein
Guido Castelnuovo, 1981
Visul lui Einstein şi alte eseuri
Stephen W. Hawking, 2007
Numerical relativity : solving Einstein's equations on the computer
Thomas W Baumgarte, 2010
Numerical relativity: solving Einstein's equations on the computer
Thomas W. Baumgarte, 2010
Numerical relativity: solving Einstein's equations on the computer
Baumgarte T.W., 2009
Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer
Baumgarte T.W., 2010
Numerical Relativity: Solving Einstein's Equations on the Computer
Thomas W. Baumgarte
Albert Einstein, la vie et l'oeuvre
Abraham Pais, 1993