نتایج جستجو

Automatic Subgenre Classification of Heavy Metal Music
Valeri Tsatsishvili, 2011
Blues Music Magazine #2
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2013
Blues Music Magazine #3
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2014
Blues Music Magazine #4
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2014
Blues Music Magazine #5
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2014
Blues Music Magazine #6
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2015
Blues Music Magazine #8
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2015
Blues Music Magazine #9
EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Art Tipaldi, 2016
Elements of Music
Joseph N. Straus, 2011
English for Music Students: Basics
Amir Ghorbanpour, 2015
Essential Dictionary of Music Notation
Tom Gerou, Linda Lusk, 1996
Essential Music Theory for Singers
Michael Michael, 2003
Exploring U2: Is This Rock 'n' Roll?: Essays on the Music, Work, and Influence of U2
Scott Calhoun, Anthony DeCurtis, 2011
Foundations of Music History
Carl Dahlhaus, J. B. Robinson, 1983
Future Days: Krautrock and the Birth of a Revolutionary New Music
David Stubbs, 2015
Generative Theory of Tonal Music
F. Lersahl, R. Jackendoff
George Whitefield Chadwick: The Life and Music of the Pride of New England
Bill F. Faucett, 2012
Guitarists Music Theory Book
Peter Vogl, 2007
Harmonies of Heaven and Earth: Mysticism in Music from Antiquity to the Avant-Garde
Joscelyn Godwin, 1987
Hate Couture: Subcultural Fundamentalism and the Serbian Black Metal Music Scene
David Jo Murphy, 2011