نتایج جستجو

Red Devil of the Range
Max Brand, 1996
Ronicky Doone's Reward
Max Brand, 1995
Soft Metal (Leisure Western)
Max Brand, 2000
Brand Attachment: Determinanten erfolgreicher Markenbeziehungen
Saskia Diehl (auth.), 2009
Brand Royalty: How the Worlds Top 100 Brands Thrive & Survive
Matt Haig, 2004
Handbook of Brand Relationships
Deborah J. Macinnis, 2009
Design thinking: integrating innovation, customer experience and brand value
Thomas Lockwood, 2009
Design Thinking: Integrating Innovation, Customer Experience, and Brand Value
Thomas Lockwood, 2009
Brand Bible: The Complete Guide to Building, Designing, and Sustaining Brands
Debbie Millman, 2012
Managing Brand Equity
David A. Aaker, 1991
Brand Orientation in der Ernährungsindustrie: Erfolgsdeterminanten der Markenführung am Beispiel genossenschaftlicher Hersteller
Dipl. Ök. Matthias Schramm, 2004
Designing Brand Identity: An Essential Guide for the Whole Branding Team
Alina Wheeler, 2012
Nelson's Brand
Diana Palmer, 1997
Brand Packaging April 2011
Pauline Hammerbeck
Brand Packaging August 2011
Pauline Hammerbeck
Brand Packaging Jan-Feb 2011
Pauline Hammerbeck