نتایج جستجو

Proceedings of the International Symposia of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Volume 13 ADP-Ribosylation, DNA Repair and Cancer-Proceedings of the International Symposia of the Princess Takamatsu Cancer Research Fund, Volume 13
Takashi Sugimura (Editor); Miwa (Editor); Hayaishi (Editor); Shall (Editor); Smulson (Editor), 1983
Aeschylus I: The Persians, The Seven Against Thebes, The Suppliant Maidens, Prometheus Bound (The Complete Greek Tragedies)
Aeschylus (Author), Glenn W. Most (Editor, Translator), Seth Benardete (Editor, Translator), David Grene (Editor, Translator), Richmond Lattimore (Editor, Translator), Mark Griffith (Editor, Translator), 2013
Storytelling in the Spectators / Storytelling dans les spectateurs
Elisabeth Hobisch (editor), Alexandra Fuchs (editor), Klaus-Dieter Ertler (editor), Yvonne Voelkl (editor), Hans Fernandez (editor), 2020
Athens and Attica in Prehistory: Proceedings of the International Conference (Athens, 27-31 May 2015)
Nikolas Papadimitriou (editor), James C. Wright (editor), Sylvian Fachard (editor), Naya Polychronakou-Sgouritsa (editor), Eleni Andrikou (editor), 2020
Atlas of Clinical Emergency Medicine – 1st edition
Scott C. Sherman MD (Editor), Christopher Ross MD FACEP FAAEM FRCPC (Editor), Erik Nordquist MD (Editor), Ernest Wang MD FACEP (Editor), Stephen Cico MD Med FAAEM FAAP (Editor), 2015
The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Contemporary British and Irish Literature
Richard Bradford (editor), Madelena Gonzalez (editor), Stephen Butler (editor), James Ward (editor), Kevin De Ornellas (editor), 2020
Encyclopedia of Aging And Public Health
Sana Loue (editor), Martha Sajatovic (editor), Siran Koroukian (editor), Linda S. Lloyd (editor), Ph.d. Ober, Scott (editor), 2008
Intelligent Quality Assessment of Railway Switches and Crossings
Roberto Galeazzi (editor), Hilmar Kjartansson Danielsen (editor), Bjarne Kjær Ersbøll (editor), Dorte Juul Jensen (editor), Ilmar Santos (editor), 2021
Naturally Occurring Chemicals Against Alzheimer s Disease
Tarun Belwal (editor), Seyed Mohammad Nabavi (editor), Seyed Fazel Nabavi (editor), Ahmad Reza Dehpour (editor), Samira Shirooie (editor), 2020
Handbook on the Changing Geographies of the State: New Spaces of Geopolitics
Sami Moisio (editor), Natalie Koch (editor), Andrew E.G. Jonas (editor), Christopher Lizotte (editor), Juho Luukkonen (editor), 2020
Primary and revision total ankle replacement : evidence-based surgical management.
Christopher Bibbo (editor); Thomas S. Roukis (editor); Gregory C. Berlet (editor); Murray J. Penner (editor); Christopher F. Hyer (editor), 2021
Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations
Douglas V. Campana (editor), Pamela Crabtree (editor), S. D. deFrance (editor), Justin Lev-Tov (editor), A. M. Choyke (editor), 2010
Anthropological Approaches to Zooarchaeology: Colonialism, Complexity and Animal Transformations
Douglas V. Campana (editor), Pamela Crabtree (editor), S. D. deFrance (editor), Justin Lev-Tov (editor), A. M. Choyke (editor), 2010
Western Plainchant in the First Millennium: Studies in the Medieval Liturgy and its Music
Sean Gallagher (editor), James Haar (editor), John Nádas (editor), Timothy (editor), Striplin (editor), 2003
Turkish Linguistics Across Boundaries: The Adana Meeting
Hatice Sofu (editor), Cem Can (editor), Muna Özezen Yüceol (editor), Abdurahman Kilimci (editor), Ayşehan Deniz Abik (editor), 2020
Principles of taxation law 2020
Antony Ting (editor); Sunita Jogarajan (editor); Celeste Black (editor); Wes Obst (editor); Richard E. Krever (editor), 2020
From Environmental to Ecological Law
Kirsten Anker (editor), Peter D. Burdon (editor), Geoffrey Garver (editor), Michelle Maloney (editor), Carla Sbert (editor), 2020
New and Future Developments in Microbial Biotechnology and Bioengineering: From Cellulose to Cellulase: Strategies to Improve Biofuel Production
Neha Srivastava (editor), Manish Srivastava (editor), Dr. P.K Mishra (editor), P.W Ramteke (editor), Ram Lakhan Singh (editor), 2019
Mobile Technologies for Delivering Healthcare in Remote, Rural or Developing Regions (Healthcare Technologies)
Pradeep Kumar Ray (editor), Naoki Nakashima (editor), Ashir Ahmed (editor), Soong-Chul Ro (editor), Yasuhiro Soshino (editor), 2020
Cross-Layer Reliability of Computing Systems (Materials, Circuits and Devices)
Giorgio Di Natale (editor), Dimitris Gizopoulos (editor), Stefano Di Carlo (editor), Alberto Bosio (editor), Ramon Canal (editor), 2020
The Future of Asian Finance
Ratna Sahay (editor), Cheng Hoon Lim (editor), Chikahisa Sumi (editor), James P. Walsh (editor), Jerald Alan Schiff (editor), 2015
Advanced Machine Vision Paradigms for Medical Image Analysis (Hybrid Computational Intelligence for Pattern Analysis and Understanding)
Tapan K. Gandhi (editor), Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (editor), Sourav De (editor), Debanjan Konar (editor), Sandip Dey (editor), 2020
The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives
Rudy B. Andeweg (editor), Robert Elgie (editor), Ludger Helms (editor), Juliet Kaarbo (editor), Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (editor), 2020
Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Future Directions and Applications
Bhagirathi Nayak (editor), Subhendu Kumar Pani (editor), Tanupriya Choudhury (editor), Suneeta Satpathy (editor), Sachi Nandan Mohanty (editor), 2021