نتایج جستجو

Internationalism in Children’s Series
Karen Sands-O’Connor, Marietta A. Frank (eds.), 2014
Design and Analysis of Time Series Experiments
Richard Mccleary, David Mcdowall, Bradley J. Bartos (eds.), 2017
Handbook of discrete-valued time series
Davis, Richard A.; Holan, Scott H.; Lund, Robert; Ravishanker, Nalini(eds.), 2016
Molecular Basis of Nutrition and Aging: A Volume in the Molecular Nutrition Series
Marco Malavolta PhD, Eugenio Mocchegiani MD(eds.), 2016
Part 3: Non-ferrous Alloys - Heavy Metals: Subvolume C: Metal Forming Data - Volume 2: Materials - Group VIII:Advanced Materials and Technologies - Landolt-Börnstein New Series
Marlene Spittel,Thilo Spittel (auth.), ,Hans Warlimont (eds.), 2016
Analytic Number Theory, Modular Forms and q-Hypergeometric Series: In Honor of Krishna Alladi's 60th Birthday, University of Florida, Gainesville, March 2016
George E. Andrews,Frank Garvan (eds.), 2017
Legacies and Mega Events: Fact or Fairy Tales?
Ian Brittain, Jason Bocarro, Terri Byers, Kamilla Swart (eds.), 2017
Local Applications of the Ecological Approach To Human-Machine Systems (Resources for Ecological Psychology Series)
Peter A. Hancock et al. (eds.), 2018
Ergodic theory, symbolic dunamics and hyperbolic spaces
Bedford, Keane, Series eds, 1991
The Embodiment of Leadership: A Volume in the International Leadership Series, Building Leadership Bridges
Lois Ruskai Melina; Gloria J. Burgess; Antonio Marturano (eds.), 2013
Renewable Energy Forecasting. From Models to Applications. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
George Kariniotakis (Eds.), 2017
A Clinical Guide to Fibre Reinforced Composites (FRCs) in Dentistry. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Biomaterials
Pekka Vallittu and Mutlu Özcan (Eds.), 2017
Geological Repository Systems for Safe Disposal of Spent Nuclear Fuels and Radioactive Waste. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Energy
Michael J. Apted and Joonhong Ahn (Eds.), 2017
Lawrie´s Meat Science. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Food Science, Technology and Nutrition
Fidel Toldrá (Eds.), 2017
Lignocellulosic Fibre and Biomass-Based Composite Materials. Processing, Properties and Applications. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering
Mohammad Jawaid, Paridah Md Tahir and Naheed Saba (Eds.), 2017
Fiber Technology for Fiber-Reinforced Composites. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering
M. Özgür Seydibeyoğlu, Amar K. Mohanty and Manjusri Misra (Eds.), 2017
Ars Edendi: Lecture Series. Volume IV
Barbara Crostini, Gunilla Iversen, Brian M. Jensen (eds.), 2016
The ‘Orange Book’ Series
US Department of Defense (eds.), 1985
Sherlock and Transmedia Fandom: Essays on the BBC Series
Louisa Ellen Stein, Kristina Busse (eds.), 2012
Philosophy, Politics and Society: Fifth Series
Peter Laslett, James Fishkin (eds), 1979
Philosophy, Politics and Society: Third Series
Peter Laslett, WG Runciman (eds), 1967
Philosophy, Politics and Society: Fourth Series
Peter Laslett, WG Runciman and Quentin Skinner (eds), 1972