نتایج جستجو

The Thaw Generation: Coming of Age in the Post-Stalin Era
Ludmilla Alexeyeva; Paul Goldberg, 1990
Deadpan: The Aesthetics of Black Inexpression
Tina Post, 2023
Undoing Coups: The African Union and Post-coup Intervention in Madagascar
Antonia Witt (editor), 2020
Theodor Fontane: Irony and Avowal in a Post-Truth Age
Brian Tucker (editor), 2021
Inventing Eleanor: The Medieval and Post-Medieval Image of Eleanor of Aquitaine
Michael R. Evans, 2014
Marlowe’s Literary Scepticism: Politic Religion and Post-Reformation Polemic
Chloe Kathleen Preedy, 2012
Street Furniture Design: Contesting Modernism in Post-War Britain
Eleanor Herring, 2016
Shooting from heaven. Trauma e soggettività nel cinema americano. Dalla seconda guerra mondiale al post 11 settembre
Giulia Fanara (editor), 2012
The Kasrils Affair: Jews and Minority Politics in Post-apartheid South Africa
Joel B. Pollak, 2009
Children of a New Fatherland: Germany’s Post-War Right-Wing Politics
JH Brinks; Paul Vincent; David Binder, 2000
Movies in the Age of Obama : The Era of Post-Racial and Neo-Racist Cinema
David Garrett Izzo; Peter C. Grosvenor; Linda Belau; Thomas Britt; Sonya C. Brown; Brian E. Butler; Ed Cameron; Kwakiutl L. Dreher; Rodney M. D. Fierce; Andrew Grossman, 2014
Southern Civil Religions : Imagining the Good Society in the Post-Reconstruction ERA
Arthur Remillard, 2011
Post-Human Futures: Human Enhancement, Artificial Intelligence and Social Theory
Mark Carrigan, Douglas V. Porpora, 2021
Beyond the Profits System: Possibilities for a Post-Capitalist Era
Harry Shutt, 2010
The Post-Racial Limits of Memorialization : Toward a Political Sense of Mourning
Alfred Frankowski, 2015