نتایج جستجو

Fealty and Fidelity: The Lazarists of Bourbon France, 1660-1736
Seán Alexander Smith, 2016
Caesarean Birth : The Work of François Rousset in Renaissance France - a New Treatise on Hysterotomotokie or Caesarian Childbirth
Ronald Cyr; Thomas Baskett, 2010
Misère(s) de l'islam de France
Leschi Didier, 2016
Le temps des congrès catholiques: bibliographie raisonnée des actes de congrès tenus en France de 1870 à nos jours
Claude Langlois; Christian Sorrel
Perilous Moon : Occupied France, 1944--The End Game
Stuart Nimmo, 2012
Shaping Courtliness in Medieval France: Essays in Honor of Matilda Tomaryn Bruckner
Daniel E. O’Sullivan, Laurie Shepard (eds.), 2013
Sexing La Mode: Gender, Fashion and Commercial Culture in Old Regime France
Jennifer M. Jones, 2004
La France au front
Perrineau, Pascal, 2014
France Overseas - Great War and Climax of French Imperial Expansion
Christopher Andrew; Alexander Sydney Kanya-Forstner, 1981
Les Côtes barbares: Pilleurs d'épaves et sociétés littorales en France (1680-1830)
Alain Cabantous, 2014
Contested Paternity : Constructing Families in Modern France
Rachel G. Fuchs, 2008
Feminism in France (RLE Feminist Theory) : From May '68 to Mitterand
Claire Duchen, 2012
The Expert Cook in Enlightenment France
Sean Takats, 2011
Histoire des protestants en France
Patrick Cabanel, 2012
Oris zgodovine umetnosti pri Slovencih. Kulturnozgodovinski poskus
France Stelè, 1924
The Diaspora of the Comoros in France: Ethnicised Biopolitics and Communitarisation
Katharina Fritsch, 2022
The Constitution of France: A Contextual Analysis
Sophie Boyron, 2013
Francis I and Sixteenth-Century France
Robert J. Knecht;, 2015