نتایج جستجو

Basic Orthopaedic Sciences: The Stanmore Guide: The Stanmore Guide
Manoj Ramachandran, 2014
Basic Statistics: A Primer for the Biomedical Sciences
Olive Jean Dunn, Virginia A. Clark, 2009
Cyber-Security in Critical Infrastructures: A Game-Theoretic Approach (Advanced Sciences and Technologies for Security Applications)
Stefan Rass, Stefan Schauer, Sandra König, Quanyan Zhu, 2020
Geodetic Time Series Analysis in Earth Sciences
Jean-Philippe Montillet; Machiel S. Bos, 2019
Kinetic Theory in the Earth Sciences
Antonio C. Lasaga, 1998
Data Journeys In The Sciences
Sabina Leonelli, Niccolò Tempini, 2020
Review of Speech and Hearing Sciences
Norman J. Lass, 2012
Single best answers MCQs in anaesthesia. Vol II, Basic sciences
Arumugam Pitchiah; Cyprian Mendonca; Mahesh Chaudhari, 2011
Rock, Bone, and Ruin: An Optimist's Guide to the Historical Sciences
Adrian Currie, 2018
Essentials of communication sciences & disorders
Paul T. Fogle, 2019
EBOOK: Facilitating Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide (UK Higher Education OUP Humanities & Social Sciences Counselling and Psychotherapy)
Mike Pedler, Christine Abbott, 2013
Advanced Research Methods For The Social And Behavioral Sciences
John E. Edlund, Austin Lee Nichols, 2019
The hearing sciences
Lloyd L. Price; Teri Hamill, 2019
Doctoring Traditions: Ayurveda, Small Technologies, and Braided Sciences
Projit Bihari Mukharji, 2016
Textbook of pharmacology for dental and allied health sciences
Padmaja Udaykumar, 2007
Marx and the Politics of Abstraction (Studies in Critical Social Sciences)
Paul Paolucci, 2011
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences - Instructor's Answer Book
Mary L. Boas, 2005
Probability, Statistics, and Stochastic Processes for Engineers and Scientists (Mathematical Engineering, Manufacturing, and Management Sciences)
Aliakbar Montazer Haghighi, Indika Wickramasinghe, 2020
The Biology Teacher's Handbook
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2009
The Biology Teacher's Handbook
Biological Sciences Curriculum Study, 2009
Advances in Mathematical Sciences: AWM Research Symposium, Houston, TX, April 2019 (Association for Women in Mathematics Series (21))
Bahar Acu (editor), Donatella Danielli (editor), Marta Lewicka (editor), Arati Pati (editor), Saraswathy RV (editor), Miranda Teboh-Ewungkem (editor), 2020
IPMSH : une approche multidisciplinaire de la recherche en sciences humaines
Valérie Blanc; Marc-André Lacelle; Christian Corno; Étienne Roy; Geneviève Perreault, 2015
Épidémiologie appliquée : une initiation à la lecture critique en sciences de la santé
Yv Bonnier Viger (editor); Clément Beaucage (editor); André Simpson (editor), 2017