نتایج جستجو

Community Health Care’s O-Process for Evaluation: A Participatory Approach for Increasing Sustainability
Fannie Fonseca-Becker DrPH, MPH, Amy L. Boore PhD, MPH (auth.), 2008
Chiral Liquid Chromatography
S. A. Matlin (auth.), W. J. Lough BSc, PhD, MRSC, C. Chem (eds.), 1989
Diseases and Disorders: A Nursing Therapeutics Manual
Marilyn Sawyer Sommers PhDRNFAAN, Ehriel Fannin, 2014
Selenium in Food and Health
Conor Reilly B.Sc., Lic. Phil., H.Dip.Ed., PhD, FAIFST (auth.), 2006
Gene Therapy for Cancer
Bingliang Fang MD, PhD, Jack A. Roth MD (auth.), Kelly K. Hunt MD, Stephan A. Vorburger MD, MCR, Stephen G. Swisher MD (eds.), 2007
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems IX: Proceedings of ES2001, the Twenty-first SGES International Conference on Knowledge Based Systems and Applied Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, December 2001
Bojan Dolšak (auth.), Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Mike Moulton BSc, Alun Preece BSc, PhD (eds.), 2002
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XI: Proceedings of AI2003, the Twenty-third SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Kushan Nammuni, Claire Pickering, S. Modgil, Alan Montgomery, P. Hammond (auth.), Professor Max Bramer BSc, PhD, CEng, FBCS, FIEE, FRSA, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng (eds.), 2004
Applications and Innovations in Intelligent Systems XIII: Proceedings of AI-2005, the Twenty-fifth SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK, December 2005
Tom M. van Engers (auth.), Professor Ann Macintosh BSc, CEng, Richard Ellis BSc, MSc, Dr Tony Allen PhD (eds.), 2006
100 Challenges in Echocardiography
Christophe Klimczak MD PhD, Petros Nihoyannopoulos MD FRCP FACC FESC, 2008
100 Challenging Spinal Pain Syndrome Cases, 2e
Lynton Giles MScPhDDC, 2009
Sulfate Reduction for Remediation of Gypsiferous Soils and Solid Wastes: UNESCO-IHE PhD Thesis
Pimluck Kijjanapanich, 2014
Graphics Programming in C++: Writing Graphics Applications for Windows 98
Mark Walmsley BSc, PhD (auth.), 1998
Pumping station design
Robert L. SanksPhDPE, 1998
Pumping Station Design, Third Edition
Garr M. JonesPEDEE, Robert L. SanksPhDPE, George Tchobanoglous, Bayard E. BossermanII, 2006
Civil Engineering Quantities
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1993
Public Works Engineering
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FICE, FRICS, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1992
Building Transitional Programs for Students with Disabilities: How to Navigate the Course of Their Lives
PhD, Christy Mahanay-Castro, 2010
Atlas of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology: A Multimedia Reference
Peter M. Doubilet MDPhD, Carol B. Benson MD, 2011
Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Tim Chard MD, FRCOG, Richard Lilford MB, BCh, MRCOG, MRCP, PhD (auth.), 1986
Basic Sciences for Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Tim Chard MD, FRCOG, Richard Lilford MB, BCh, MRCOG, MRCP, PhD (auth.), 1990
Industrial Instrumentation: Principles and Design
Tattamangalam R. Padmanabhan PhD (auth.), 2000
Instrumentation for Engineers
J. D. Turner BSc (Phys), PhD, CEng, MIEE (auth.), 1988
1-2-3 Magic: Effective Discipline for Children , 3rd Edition
Thomas W. Phelan PhD, 2004
Clinical Interviews for Children and Adolescents: Assessment to Intervention
Stephanie H. McConaughy Phd, 2005