نتایج جستجو

South Korean Identity and Global Foreign Policy: Dream of Autonomy
Patrick Flamm, 2019
The Social Reality of Europe After the Crisis: Trends, Challenges and Responses
Patrick Diamond; Roger Liddle; Daniel Sage, 2015
Sixteen Million One: Understanding Civil War
Patrick M. Regan, 2015
Resolving Land and Energy Conflicts
Patrick Field; Tushar Kansal; Catherine Morris; Stacie Smith, 2018
A Citizen's Guide to American Foreign Policy: Tragic Choices and the Limits of Rationality
David Patrick Houghton, 2013
Conservatism Redefined: A Creed for the Poor and Disadvantaged
Patrick Garry, 2010
Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen
Richard Bensam; Timothy Callahan; Julian Darius; Peter Sanderson; Geoff Klock; Patrick Meaney; Chad Nevett; Mary Borsellino; Jon Cormier; Walter Hudsick; John Loyd; Gene Phillips; William Ritchie; Kevin Colden, 2011
Minutes to Midnight: Twelve Essays on Watchmen
Richard Bensam; Timothy Callahan; Julian Darius; Peter Sanderson; Geoff Klock; Patrick Meaney; Chad Nevett; Mary Borsellino; Jon Cormier; Walter Hudsick; John Loyd; Gene Phillips; William Ritchie; Kevin Colden, 2012
Das DevOps-Handbuch: Teams, Tools und Infrastrukturen erfolgreich umgestalten
Gene Kim; Jez Humble; Patrick Debois, 2022
Asia møter Europa : 200 f. Kr-500 e. Kr
Patrick Bruun, 2000
Rethinking the Crit: New Pedagogies in Design Education
Patrick Flynn, Maureen O'Connor, Mark Price, Miriam Dunn, 2022
Formalización de la minería artesanal y de pequeña escala en la Amazonía peruana: Lecciones aprendidas y propuestas de solución
Álvaro Cano, Patrick Wieland, Pavel Aquino, Manuel Zapata, 2021
A TeXas Style Introduction to Proof
Ron Taylor, Patrick X. Rault, 2017
Das DevOps-Handbuch: Teams, Tools und Infrastrukturen erfolgreich umgestalten
Gene Kim; Jez Humble; Patrick Debois; John Willis; Nicole Forsgren, 2022
Estados y naciones en los Andes. Hacia una historia comparativa: Bolivia - Colombia - Ecuador - Perú
Jean-Paul Deler, Yves Saint-Geours (eds.), René Arze, Heraclio Bonilla, Manuel Burga, Manuel Chiriboga, Germán Colmenares, Marie Demélas, Henri Favre, Alberto Flores Galindo, Miguel Glave, Augusto Gómez, Patrick Husson, Carlos Jaramillo, Jean-Pierre Lavaud, Nelson Manrique, Gunnar Mendoza, Jean Piel, Rafael Quintero, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Thierry Saignes, Yves Saint-Geours, Hermes Tovar (auts.), 1986
The Fourth Reich and Operation Eclipse
Patrick Delaforce, 2015
The New Labour Experiment: Change and Reform Under Blair and Brown
Florence Faucher-King; Patrick le Galés, 2010
Patrick Joyce, 1995
Reid McCarter, Patrick Lindsey, Clint Hocking, Paul Sousa
The Willows at Christmas
William Horwood, Patrick Benson, 2002
Leading an Emotionally Intelligent Life
Patrick Kilcarr, 2022