نتایج جستجو

Sendero Luminoso (Shining Path) and Ethnocultural Conflict in the Andes. Connecticut, Central Connecticut State University.
Marisa Mealy, Carol Shaw Austad, 2010
Constructivism in Central Europe Painting, Typography, Photomontage
Esther Levinger, University of Haifa, Israel, 2022
Letters from Khartoum. D.R. Ewen Teaching English Literature, Sudan, 1951-1965 (Postcolonial Lives, 1)
< by Russell McDougall, i>, University of New England (Australia)<, /i>, 2021
Women and Latin in the Early Modern Period (Brill Research Perspectives in Humanities and Social Sciences)
Jane Stevenson, Campion Hall, University of Oxford, 2022
Lectures in Theoretical Physics (Volume I: Lectures delivered at the summer institute for theoretical physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1958)
Edited by Wesley E. Brittin and Lita G. Dunham, 1959
Lie Groups and Automorphic Forms: Proceedings of the 2003 Summer Program, Zhejiang University, Center of Mathematical Sciences, Hangzhou, China
Lizhen Ji (editor), Jian-shu Li (editor), H. W. Xu (editor), Shing-Tung Yau (editor), 2006
Rumours of Revolt Civil War and the Emergence of a Transnational News Culture in France and the Netherlands, 15611598 (Library of the Written Word)
University of Amsterdam Rosanne M. Baars, 2021
Emotions, Art, and Christianity in the Transatlantic World, 1450–1800 (Brill’s Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History, 57)
Heather Graham, California State University, Long BeachLauren Kilroy-Ewbank, Dean of Content and Strategy, Smarthistory, 2021
Mathematics-1. Gujarat Technological University
Ravish Singh, 2019
Taking ‘Religion’ Seriously: Essays on the Discursive Study of Religion
Teemu Taira, University of Helsinki, 2022
Ha-Tov v’ha-Meitiv: Contemporary Scholarship in Jewish Studies: Essays in Honor of the 50th Anniversary of Touro University
Simcha Fishbane (editor), Eric M. Levine (editor), Yosef Dov Robinson (editor), 2024