نتایج جستجو

Democratic Discourses: The Radical Abolition Movement And Antebellum American Literature
Michael Bennett, 2005
Dialogue and Literature: Apostrophe, Auditors, and the Collapse of Romantic Discourse
Michael Macovski, 1994
Berlusconi's Italy: Mapping Contemporary Italian Politics
Michael E. Shin, John A. Agnew, 2008
A Drop Around the World
Barbara Shaw McKinney,Michael S. Maydak, 2012
Chancen für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem: Von Partikularinteressen zu mehr Patientennutzen
Michael E. Porter, Clemens Guth (auth.), 2012
Chancen für das deutsche Gesundheitssystem: Von Partikularinteressen zu mehr Patientennutzen
Michael E. Porter, Clemens Guth (auth.), 2012
Competitive Advantage of Nations
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance - With a New Introduction
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance : with a new introduction
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive advantage: creating and sustaining superior performance : with a new introduction
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive Strategy Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors Конкурентная стратегия Методика анализа отраслей и конкурентов
Michael E. PorterМайкл Юджен Портер, 1998
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors
Michael E. Porter, 1998
Computational Ocean Acoustics
Finn B. Jensen, William A. Kuperman, Michael B. Porter, Henrik Schmidt (auth.), 2011
Four Seminal Thinkers in International Theory: Machiavelli, Grotius, Kant, and Mazzini
Martin Wight, Gabriele Wight, Brian Porter, David S. Yost, Sir Michael Howard, 2005
From Adam Smith to Michael Porter: Evolution of Competitiveness Theory
Dong-Sung Cho, Hwy-Chang Moon, 2000
From Competitive Advantage to Corporate Strategy
Michael E. Porter, 1987
Gas Burners for Forges, Furnaces, and Kilns
Michael Porter, 2004
Gas Burners for Forges, Furnaces, and Kilns
Michael Porter, 2004
How to Cheat at Vo: IP Security
Thomas Porter and Michael Gough (Auth.), 2007
How to Cheat at Voip Security (How to Cheat)
Thomas Porter, Michael Gough, 2007
How to Cheat at Voip Security (How to Cheat)
Thomas Porter, Michael Gough, 2007
Kleinian Groups and Related Topics: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at Oaxtepec, Mexico, August 10–14, 1981
W. Abikoff, K. Appel, P. Schupp (auth.), Daniel M. Gallo, R. Michael Porter (eds.), 1983