نتایج جستجو

Computers and Games: 9th International Conference, CG 2016, Leiden, The Netherlands, June 29 – July 1, 2016, Revised Selected Papers
Aske Plaat, Walter Kosters, Jaap van den Herik (eds.), 2016
Fluorinated polymers. Volume 1, Synthesis, properties, processing and simulation
Bruno Ameduri, Bruno Ameduri, Hideo Sawada, Hideo Sawada, Ben Zhong Tang, Toshio Masuda, Shohei Yamazaki, Masato Yoshida, Tadashi Narita, Kunio Kimura, Yoshitoni Morizawa, Ilkuo Yamamoto, Shinsuke Inagi, Atsuhiro Fujimori, H. R. Allcock, Harald Kaspar, Susanta Banerjee, Rudy Dams, Walter Navarrini, Doris Pospiech, Sabine Beuermann, James Goldbach, Joseph Thrasher, Armand Soldera, Xiaoyu Huang, 2017
Fluorinated Polymers, Volume 2 - Applications
Bruno Ameduri, Bruno Ameduri, Hideo Sawada, Hideo Sawada, Ben Zhong Tang, Toshio Masuda, Shohei Yamazaki, Masato Yoshida, Tadashi Narita, Kunio Kimura, Yoshitoni Morizawa, Ilkuo Yamamoto, Shinsuke Inagi, Atsuhiro Fujimori, H. R. Allcock, Harald Kaspar, Susanta Banerjee, Rudy Dams, Walter Navarrini, Doris Pospiech, Sabine Beuermann, James Goldbach, Joseph Thrasher, Armand Soldera, Xiaoyu Huang, 2016
An other kingdom: departing the consumer culture
Block, Peter; Brueggemann, Walter; McKnight, John, 2016
Atlas of functional neuroanatomy
Hendelman, Walter, 2015
Differential Geometric Structures
Walter A. Poor, 2007
Differential Geometric Structures
Walter A. Poor, 2007
The European Community and the Security Dilemma, 1979–92
Holly Wyatt-Walter (auth.), 1997
Sigma 7: The Six Mercury Orbits of Walter M. Schirra, Jr.
Colin Burgess (auth.), 2016
Globalization and Marginalization in Mountain Regions: Assets and Challenges in Marginal Regions
Raghubir Chand, Walter Leimgruber (eds.), 2016
Paraconsistent Logic: Consistency, Contradiction and Negation
Walter Carnielli, Marcelo Esteban Coniglio (auth.), 2016
Climate Change Adaptation, Resilience and Hazards
Walter Leal Filho, Haruna Musa, Gina Cavan, Paul O'Hare, Julia Seixas (eds.), 2016
Topics on Methodological and Applied Statistical Inference
Tonio Di Battista, Elías Moreno, Walter Racugno (eds.), 2016
Manifeste und Proklamationen der europäischen Avantgarde (1909–1938)
Wolfgang Asholt, Walter Fähnders (eds.), 2005
Avantgarde und Moderne 1890–1933: Lehrbuch Germanistik
Walter Fähnders (auth.), 2010
Richard Strauss Handbuch
Walter Werbeck (eds.), 2014
Herrscherchronologien der antiken Welt: Namen, Daten, Dynastien
Walter Eder, Johannes Renger (eds.), 2004
Inborn Metabolic Diseases: Diagnosis and Treatment
Jean-Marie Saudubray, Matthias R. Baumgartner, John Walter (eds.), 2016
Cicero’s Skepticism and His Recovery of Political Philosophy
Walter Nicgorski (auth.), 2016
Rethinking Growth: Social Intrapreneurship for Sustainable Performance
Walter Baets, Erna Oldenboom (auth.), 2009
Franco-German Brigade
Walter Böhm, Peter Siebert, 1993
Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction with Solutions Manual
Walter A. Strauss, 2007