نتایج جستجو

Suicide Among Racial and Ethnic Groups: Theory, Research, and Practice (Death, Dying and Bereavement)
Frederick T.L. Leong, 2007
The Russian Folktale
Vladimir Propp, 2012
The Myth of “ethnic conflict”: politics, economics, and “cultural” violence
Beverly Crawford, 1999
Racial and Ethnic Identity in School Practices: Aspects of Human Development
Rosa Hernandez Sheets, 1999
Одежда татар Среднего Прииртышья: этнокультурные связи и контакты
Смирнова Е.Ю., 2004
COVER ARTICLE: History and Lore of Sesame in Southwest Asia
Dorothea Bedigian Affiliation: Department of Biology, Washington University, St. Louis
Islamic Identity, Postcoloniality, and Educational Policy: Schooling and Ethno-Religious Conflict in the Southern Philippines
Jeffrey Ayala Milligan (auth.), 2005
We Are What We Eat: Ethnic Food and the Making of Americans
Donna R. Gabaccia, 2000
Race and Crime: An Annotated Bibliography (Bibliographies and Indexes in Ethnic Studies)
Katheryn K. Russell-Brown, 2000
The Political Integration of Ethnic Minorities in Britain
Anthony F. Heath, 2013
Ethnic Validity, Ecology, and Psychotherapy: A Psychosocial Competence Model
Forrest B. Tyler, 1991
Encounters with American ethnic cultures
Philip Leroy Kilbride, 1990