نتایج جستجو

Широкополосные радиопередающие устройства (Радиочастотные тракты на полупроводниковых приборах)
Алексеев О.В., Головков А.А., Полевой В.В., Соловьев А.А., 1978
Point Defects in Solids: Volume 2 Semiconductors and Molecular Crystals
James W. Corbett, Jacques C. Bourgoin (auth.), James H. Crawford Jr., Lawrence M. Slifkin (eds.), 1975
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control
Gary S. May, Costas J. Spanos, 2006
Fundamentals of Semiconductor Manufacturing and Process Control
Gary S. May, Costas J. Spanos, 2006
Handbook of Cleaning for Semiconductor Manufacturing - Fundamentals and Applications
Reinhardt, Karen A.; Reidy, Richard F.(eds.), 2011
Semiconductor Device-Based Sensors for Gas, Chemical, and Biomedical Applications
Fan Ren, Stephen J Pearton, 2011
Semiconductor gas sensors
Ravio Jaaniso, Ooi Kiang Tan, 2013
Аналоговые полупроводниковые интегральные микросхемы
Остапенко Г.С., 1981
Аналоговые полупроводниковые интегральные микросхемы
Остапенко Г.С., 1981
Жидкие полупроводники.
Глазов В.М. и др., 1967
CVD of Compound Semiconductors: Precursor Synthesis, Development and Applications
Prof. Anthony C. Jones, Prof. Paul O'Brien(auth.), 1997
Distributed feedback semiconductor lasers
Plumb, Dick; Carroll, John E.; Whiteaway, James, 1998
Nonclassical Light from Semiconductor Lasers and LEDs
Dr. Jungsang Kim, Dr. Seema Somani, Professor Yoshihisa Yamamoto (auth.), 2001
Semiconductor cavity quantum electrodynamics
Yoshihisa Yamamoto; F Tassone; H Cao, 2000
Semiconductor Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics
Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Francesco Tassone, Hui Cao (auth.), 2000
Измерение параметров полупроводниковых материалов и структур
Батавин В. В. и др., 1985
Organic semiconductors in sensor applications
D.A. Bernards, D.A. Bernards, R.M. Owens, G.G. Malliaras, 2008
110 Semiconductor Projects for the Home Constructor
R. M. Marston (Auth.), 1978
Organische Halbleiterbauelemente fur mikrooptische Systeme German
Martin Punke, 2008
Evaluation of Advanced Semiconductor Materials by Electron Microscopy
Rob W. Glaisher, J. C. Barry, David J. Smith (auth.), David Cherns (eds.), 1990
Theory of Semiconductor Quantum Devices: Microscopic Modeling and Simulation Strategies
Fausto Rossi (auth.), 2011
Semiconductor TeraHertz Technology: Devices and Systems at Room Temperature Operation
Guillermo Carpintero, Enrique Garcia-Munoz, Hans Hartnagel, Sascha Preu, Antti Räisänen, 2015