نتایج جستجو

Charting the Future of Translation History (Perspectives on Translation)
Paul F. Bandia, 2006
Charting the Future of Translation History (Perspectives on Translation)
Paul F. Bandia, 2006
Translation Universals: Do They Exist? (Benjamins Translation Library, 48)
Anna Mauranen, 2004
Nation, Language, and the Ethics of Translation (Translation Transnation)
Sandra Bermann, 2005
How to Study: Being The Letter of St. Thomas Aquinas to Brother John. De Modo Studendi: Latin Text with Translation and Exposition
St.Thomas Aquinas; Latin text with translation, 1947
Literature as Translation, Translation as Literature
Christopher Conti, 2014
Translation Engines: Techniques for Machine Translation
Arturo Trujillo BSc, 1999
The Nature of Translation: Essays on the Theory and Practice of Literary Translation
James S. Holmes (ed.), 1970
Translation History Culture: A Sourcebook (Translation Studies)
Andre Lefevere, 1992
Literary Translation: A Practical Guide (Topics in Translation, 22)
Clifford E. Landers, 2001
Computers and Translation: A Translator's Guide (Benjamins Translation Library)
Harold Somers, 2000