نتایج جستجو

The Greek and Persian Wars 499-386 BC
Philip de Souza, 2003
The Greek and Persian Wars 499–386 BC
Philip de Souza, 2003
The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 B.C.
Jack Cassin-Scott, 1977
The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 BC
Jack Cassin-Scott, 1977
The Greek and Persian Wars 500-323 BC (Men-at-Arms)
Jack Cassin-Scott, 1977
The Heritage of Sufism, Volume II: The Legacy of Medieval Persian Sufism (1150-1500)
Leonard Lewisohn, 1999
The Persian army 560-330BC
Nick Sekunda, 1992
The Persian Conquest of the Greeks, 545-450 B.C.
Jack Martin Balcer, 1995
The Persian Gulf in History
Lawrence G. Potter, 2008
The Persian Gulf in History
Lawrence G. Potter (eds.), 2009
The Persian Gulf War: Lessons for Strategy, Law, and Diplomacy (Contributions in Military Studies)
Christopher C. Joyner, 1990
Written and Spoken Persian
E. M. N. Hawker, 1957
Frederick Hadland Davis, 2007
Persian Cats
Lynn M. Stone, 2009
Персидская литература. Био-библиографический обзор ( Persian Literature. A Bio-bibliographical Survey), vol. 3
Ч.А. Стори(Ch. A. Storey), 1972
Персидская литература. Био-библиографический обзор ( Persian Literature. A Bio-bibliographical Survey), vol. 1
Ч.А. Стори (Ch. A. Storey), 1972
Персидская литература. Био-библиографический обзор (Persian Literature. A Bio-bibliographical Survey), vol. 2
Ч.А. Стори (Ch. A. Storey), 1972
Persian For Foreigners
Taqi Purnamdarian, 2008