نتایج جستجو

The Crisis of American Foreign Policy: Wilsonianism in the Twenty-first Century
G. John Ikenberry, Thomas J. Knock, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Tony Smith, 2008
The European Courts and National Courts: Doctrine and Jurisprudence
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Alec Stone Sweet, Joseph HH Weiler, 1998
What Works for Women at Work: Four Patterns Working Women Need to Know
Joan Williams, Rachel Dempsey, Anne-Marie Slaughter, 2014
Social Robotics: 6th International Conference, ICSR 2014, Sydney, NSW, Australia, October 27-29, 2014. Proceedings
Michael Beetz, Benjamin Johnston, Mary-Anne Williams (eds.), 2014
Business Management for the Equine Industry
Sharon Eastwood, Anne-Lise Riis Jensen, Anna Jordon, 2006
Business Management for the Equine Industry
Sharon Eastwood, Anne-Lise Riis Jensen, Anna Jordon, 2005
Listen to Me, Listen to You: A Step-by-Step Guide to Communication Skills Training
Mandy Kotzman, Anne Kotzman, 2008
Being Nude: The Skin of Images (Critical Studies in Italian America
Jean-Luc Nancy, Federico Ferrari, Anne O'Byrne, Carlie Anglemire, 2014
Investment Firms: Trends and Challenges
Guy Moszkowski, Robert L. Reynolds, Patricia C. Dunn, John H. Watts, Joachim Faber, Hilda Ochoa-Brillembourg, Susan B. Fowler, Richard S. Lannamann, Langdon B. Wheeler, Anne Casscells; Joseph C. McNay; William J. Nutt; Charles B. Burkhart, 2001
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 14th International Conference, CAiSE 2002 Toronto, Canada, May 27–31, 2002 Proceedings
Michael L. Brodie (auth.), Anne Banks Pidduck, M. Tamer Ozsu, John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo (eds.), 2002
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 14th International Conference, CAiSE 2002 Toronto, Canada, May 27–31, 2002 Proceedings
Michael L. Brodie (auth.), Anne Banks Pidduck, M. Tamer Ozsu, John Mylopoulos, Carson C. Woo (eds.), 2002
Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization
Anne Sigismund Huff, Mark Jenkins, 2013
Studies in the History of the English Language II: Unfolding Conversations
Anne Curzan, Kimberly Emmons (ed.s), 2004
A Companion to William Faulkner
Greg Forter, Lothar Honnighausen, Thomas McHaney, John Rowe, Ted Atkinson, Timothy Caron, Deborah N. Cohn, Susan V. Donaldson, Leigh Anne Duck, John Duvall, 2007
European Pentecostalism
Kay, William K.; Dyer, Anne E, 2011
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Practice: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Jean Marc Canard MD, Jean-Christophe Letard MD, Laurent Palazzo MD, Ian Penman BSc MD FRCP Edin, Anne Marie Lennon MD MRCPI PhD, 2011
Towns and Temples Along the Mississippi
David H. Dye, Cheryl Anne Cox, Phyllis A. Morse, Ian W. Brown, Dr. Marvin T. Smith, Dr. Dan F. Morse, Charles Hudson, R. Barry Lewis, Professor Stephen Williams, James B. Griffin, Chester B. DePratter, Michael P. Hoffman, George J. Armelagos, Cassandra M. Hill, James F. Price, Cynthia R. Price, Gerald Smith, George Fielder, Mary Lucas Powell, 1990
Gender Mainstreaming in Sachsen-Anhalt: Konzepte und Erfahrungen
Dipl. sc. pol, Mag. rer. publ. Isolde Hofmann, Dr. phil. Kristin Körner, Dr. rer. pol. Christine Färber, Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologe Jochen Geppert, Dr. phil. Anne Rösgen, Dipl.-Ingenieurin Ute Wanzek (auth.), 2003
REWAS 2016 : towards materials resource sustainability ; proceedings of a symposium sponsored by the Recycling and Environmental Technologies Committee, the Materials and Society Committee, the Extraction & Processing Division, and the Light Metals Division of the Minerals, Metals & Materials Society (TMS) held during TMS 2016, 145th Annual Meeting & Exhibition, February 14-18, Downtown Nashville, Tennessee, Music City Center
TMS, Randolph E. Kirchain, Bart Blanpain, Christina E. M. Meskers, Elsa Olivetti, Diran Apelian, John Howarter, Anne Kvithyld, Brajendra Mishra, Neale R. Neelameggham, Jeffrey S. Spangenberger, 2016
An Introduction to Career Learning & Development 11-19: Perspectives, Practice and Possibilities
Anthony Barnes, Barbara Bassot, Anne Chant, 2010
Gender, Careers and Organisations: Current Developments in Banking, Nursing and Local Government
Susan Halford, Mike Savage, Anne Witz (auth.), 1997