نتایج جستجو

Az indigó jelenség
Carolina Hehenkamp, 2003
Gullah Spirituals: The Sound of Freedom and Protest in the South Carolina Sea Islands
Eric Sean Crawford, 2021
Whole Hog BBQ: The Gospel of Carolina Barbecue with Recipes from Skylight Inn and Sam Jones BBQ
Sam Jones; Daniel Vaughn, 2019
Transfer and Management of Knowledge
Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim, 2014
Proceedings of the Conference on Integration, Topology, and Geometry in Linear Spaces
Topology, and Geometry in Linear Spaces (1979 : University of North Carolina) Conference on Integration, William H. Graves (ed.), 1980
North Carolina
Mike Sigalas, 2003
North Carolina: From the Great Smokey Mountains to the Outer Banks
Rob Hirtz, Jenny Daughtry Hirtz, 1999
Phoenicians and the Making of the Mediterranean
Carolina Lopez-Ruiz, 2022
Retrospectiva 2021
Abner Vinicius | Adalberto Souza | Alberto Arecchi | Ale Heidenreich | Aléckson da Costa | Alexandra Matos | Angela Dondoni | Asor Almeida | Bárbara Maria | Boris R. Garay | Bruno Greggio | Carina Falchi | Carla Pepe | Carolina Melo | Cecy Q. Raicik | Clarice Dörr | Cláudia D. Mota | Cláudia Marzano | Cláudio Monteiro | Cristina Parreira | Daniel Pimentel | Débora França | Dielson Luz | Ed Santos | Edmilson Jr | Edson Santana | Eduardo Ezus | Elienai Pereira | Elivelson Valderez | Evandro Melo |, 2021
The Foreign in International Crime Fiction: Transcultural Representations
Jean Anderson (editor), Carolina Miranda (editor), Barbara Pezzotti (editor), 2012
Social and Political Transitions During the Left Turn in Latin America
Karen Silva-Torres (editor), Carolina Rozo-Higuera (editor), Daniel S. Leon (editor), 2021
Sustainable Management for Managers and Engineers
Carolina Machado, J. Paulo Davim, 2021
Costurando contos e amarrando pontos: tecendo o Piauí pelo imaginário popular
Ana Carolina Landim Pacheco, Simone Vieira Batista, Suzana Gomes Lopes, Tamaris Gimenez Pinheiro (Org.), 2017
Mitos inventados, antologias astronômicas e outras coisas lindas
Carolina Lessa, 2020
The Reptiles of South Carolina: Foreword by J. Whitfield Gibbons
Jeffrey D. Camper, 2019
Casa de alvenaria, volume 1: Osasco
Carolina Maria de Jesus, 2021
Gestão do conhecimento
Souza, Maria Carolina Santos de
Green Production Engineering and Management (Woodhead Publishing Reviews: Mechanical Engineering Series)
Carolina Machado (editor), J. Paulo Davim (editor), 2022
South Carolina State University
William C. Hine, 2018