نتایج جستجو

Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1996
Building Economics: Appraisal and control of building design cost and efficiency
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1983
Building Quantities Explained
Ivor H. Seeley BSc(EstMan), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, MIH (auth.), 1988
Building Surveys, Reports And Dilapidations
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, MCIOB (auth.), 1985
Building Technology
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, MCIOB (auth.), 1986
Building Technology
Ivor H. Seeley BSc (Est Man), MA, PhD, FRICS, CEng, FICE, FCIOB, FCIH (auth.), 1995
Civil Engineering Contract Administration and Control
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FICE, FRICS, FCIOB, FIH (auth.), 1993
Civil Engineering Contract Administration and Control
Ivor H. Seeley BSc, MA, PhD, CEng, FICE, FRICS, MCIOB (auth.), 1986
Antibiotic and Chemotherapy: Expert Consult, 9e
Roger G. Finch MB BSFRCPFRCP(Ed)FRCPathFFPM, David Greenwood BScPhDDScFRCPath, Richard J. Whitley MD, S. Ragnar Norrby MDPhDFRCP, 2010
People and Computers XVIII — Design for Life: Proceedings of HCI 2004
Jennifer G Sheridan, Alan Dix, Simon Lock, Alice Bayliss (auth.), Sally Fincher BA, MA, LHG, FSEDA, Panos Markopoulos MSc, MSc, PhD, David Moore PhD, Roy Ruddle BSc, PhD, CEng, MBCS (eds.), 2005
Functional Programming, Glasgow 1991: Proceedings of the 1991 Glasgow Workshop on Functional Programming, Portree, Isle of Skye, 12–14 August 1991
Gert Akerholt, Kevin Hammond, Simon Peyton Jones (auth.), Rogardt Heldal BSc, Carsten Kehler Holst cand. Scient., Philip Wadler PhD (eds.), 1992
A Functional Biology of Free-Living Protozoa
Johanna Laybourn-Parry BSc, MSc, PhD (auth.), 1984
Nutrition and Feeding Strategies in Protozoa
Brenda Nisbet BSc, PhD (auth.), 1984
Practical Electrical Network Automation and Communication Systems
Cobus Strauss CPEng BSc (ElecEng)Bcomm, 2003
Practical Electrical Network Automation and Communication Systems
Cobus Strauss CPEng BSc (ElecEng)Bcomm, 2003
Design of liquid retaining concrete structures
Robert D Anchor BSCCEngFICEFIStructE, 2014
Vibration of Buildings to Wind and Earthquake Loads
T. Balendra BSc(Eng), PhD, CEng (auth.), 1993
A Pathology of Computer Viruses
David Ferbrache BSc(Hons) (auth.), 1992
Mapping Nanotechnology Innovations and Knowledge: Global and Longitudinal Patent and Literature Analysis (Integrated Series in Information Systems)
Chaomei Chen PhD, MSc, BSc (auth.), 2008
A Guided Tour of Relational Databases and Beyond
Mark Levene BSc, PhD, George Loizou BA, PhD (auth.), 1999
Gastrointestinal Endoscopy in Practice: Expert Consult: Online and Print
Jean Marc Canard MD, Jean-Christophe Letard MD, Laurent Palazzo MD, Ian Penman BSc MD FRCP Edin, Anne Marie Lennon MD MRCPI PhD, 2011
The JCT 05 Standard Building Contract: Law & Administration
Issaka Ndekugri BSc(Hons) (Civil Eng.) LLB(Hons) MScPhDMCIOBMRICS, Michael Rycroft LLB(Hons)MCIOBMCIArb, 2009
AISB91: Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Society for the Study of Artificial Intelligence and Simulation of Behaviour, 16–19 April 1991, University of Leeds
Anil S. Chakravarthy (auth.), Luc Steels MSc, PhD, Barbara Smith BSc, MSc, PhD (eds.), 1991
BMVC92: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, organised by the British Machine Vision Association 22–24 September 1992 Leeds
Robert M. Haralick (auth.), David Hogg BSc, MSc, DPhil, Roger Boyle BA, PhD (eds.), 1992