نتایج جستجو

Social Media and e-Diplomacy in China: Scrutinizing the Power of Weibo
Ying Jiang (auth.), 2017
Intelligent Vibration Control in Civil Engineering Structures
Zhao Dong Xu, Ying Qing Guo, Jun Tao Zhu and Xiang Cheng Zhang (Auth.), 2016
Non-cooperative Stochastic Differential Game Theory of Generalized Markov Jump Linear Systems
Cheng-ke Zhang, Huai-nian Zhu, Hai-ying Zhou, Ning Bin (auth.), 2017
QoE Management in Wireless Networks
Ying Wang, Wen'an Zhou, Ping Zhang (auth.), 2017
Optimal Charging Control of Electric Vehicles in Smart Grids
Wanrong Tang, Ying Jun (Angela) Zhang (auth.), 2017
Non-Standard Parameter Adaptation for Exploratory Data Analysis
Wesam Ashour Barbakh, Ying Wu, Colin Fyfe (auth.), 2009
Physical Models of Semiconductor Quantum Devices
Ying Fu (auth.), 2014
80后新爸妈育儿经 (Parenting Experience for New Parents Born in 1980s)
刘颖 (Liu Ying), 2010
Advanced Fuzzy Logic Technologies in Industrial Applications
Ying Bai, Hanqi Zhuang, Dali Wang, 2006
An Atlas of High Resolution Spectra of Rare Earth Elements for ICP-AES
B. Huang, X. Wang, P. Yang, H. Ying, S. Gu, Z. Zhang, Z. Zhuang, G. Li, 2000
Data Analysis Using SAS
Chao-Ying Joanne Peng, 2008
Design and Fabrication of Self-Powered Micro-Harvesters: Rotating and Vibrated Micro-Power Systems
C. T. Pan, Y. M. Hwang, Liwei Lin, Ying-Chung Chen, 2014
FPGA-based Implementation of Signal Processing Systems
Roger Woods, John Mcallister, Richard Turner, Ying Yi, Gaye Lightbody, 2008
Acupuncture Therapy for Neurological Diseases: A Neurobiological View
Ying Xia, Xiaoding Cao, Gencheng Wu, Jieshi Cheng, 2010
Advances in neural networks - ISNN 2008 5th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2008, Beijing, China, September 24-28, 2008: proceedings
Fuchun Sun, Jianwei Zhang, Ying Tan, Jinde Cao, Wen Yu, 2008
50 Math and Science Games for Leadership
Seah Wee Khee, Sukandar Hadinoto, Charles Png, Ang Ying Zhen, 2007
Random matrix theory and its applications: Multivariate statistics and wireless communications
Zhi Dong Bai, Zhi Dong Bai, Yang Chen, Ying-chang Liang, 2009
Advanced Medical Statistics
Ying Lu, Ji-Qian Fang, 2003
Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server MCMS: Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and Sharepoint Integration
Lim Mei Ying, Stefan Gosner, Andrew Connell, Angus Logan, 2005
50 Math and Science Games for Leadership
Seah Wee Khee; Sukandar Hadinoto; Charles Png; Ang Ying Zhen; Second Student Council of Nus High Schoo, 2007
Nano-scale and amourphous materials : selected, peer reviewed papers from the IUMRS-ICA 2010, 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia, September 25-28, 2010, Qingdao, China
Rongming Wang; Ying Wu; Xiaofeng Wu; International Union of Materials Research Societies, 2011
Advanced Microsoft Content Management Server Development: Working with the Publishing API, Placeholders, Search, Web Services, RSS, and SharePoint Integration
Andrew Connell, Angus Logan, Lim Mei Ying, Stefan Gobner, 2005