نتایج جستجو

Personal Project Pursuit: Goals, Action, and Human Flourishing
Brian R. Little (editor), Katariina Salmela-Aro (editor), Susan D. Phillips (editor), 2006
Wittgenstein's Remarks on Frazer
Lars Albinus (editor), Josef G. F. Rothhaupt (editor), Aidan Seery (editor), 2016
Myriobiblos: Essays on Byzantine Literature and Culture
Sofia Kotzabassi (editor), Theodora Antonopoulou (editor), Marina Loukaki (editor), 2015
Mark and Paul: Comparative Essays Part II. For and Against Pauline Influence on Mark
Eve-Marie Becker (editor), Troels Engberg-Pedersen (editor), Mogens Mueller (editor), 2014
Discern(e)ments: Deleuzian Aesthetics/Esthétiques deleuziennes
Joost de Bloois (editor), Sjef Houppermans (editor), Frans-Willem Korsten (editor), 2004
Screening Economies: Money Matters and the Ethics of Representation
Daniel Cuonz (editor), Scott Loren (editor), Jörg Metelmann (editor), 2019
Samuel Beckett and trauma
Mariko Hori Tanaka (editor), Yoshiki Tajiri (editor), Michiko Tsushima (editor), 2018
Samuel Beckett and trauma
Mariko Hori Tanaka (editor), Yoshiki Tajiri (editor), Michiko Tsushima (editor), 2018
From Protology to Eschatology: Competing Views on the Origin and the End of the Cosmos in Platonism and Christian Thought
Joseph Verheyden (editor), Geert Roskam (editor), Gerd Van Riel (editor), 2022
Mark and Paul: Comparative Essays Part II. For and Against Pauline Influence on Mark
Eve-Marie Becker (editor), Troels Engberg-Pedersen (editor), Mogens Mueller (editor), 2014
Christianity in Latin America and the Caribbean
Kenneth R. Ross (editor), Ana Maria Bidegain (editor), Todd M. Johnson (editor), 2022
The Human Rights Revolution: An International History
Akira Iriye (editor), Petra Goedde (editor), William I. Hitchcock (editor), 2012
Representations of Reductive Groups
Dmitry Gourevitch (editor), David Kazhdan (editor), Erez M. Lapid (editor), 2019
Invenzioni e scoperte. Dalle origini ai nostri giorni
Renato Caporali (editor), Michele Lauro (editor), Simonetta Zuddas (editor), 2002
Fastorum Libri Sex
P. Ovidius Naso, D. E. Wormell (editor), E. Alton (editor), E. Courtney (editor), 1998
Violence and Reflexivity: The Place of Critique in the Reality of Domination
Marjan Ivković (editor), Adriana Zaharijević (editor), Gazela Pudar Draško (editor), 2022
Being Social: The Philosophy of Social Human Rights
Kimberley Brownlee (editor), David Jenkins (editor), Adam Neal (editor), 2023
Time and Space in Ancient Myth, Religion and Culture
SNF-Projekt (editor), Menelaos Christopoulos (editor), Athina Papachrysostomou (editor), 2017
We Are All Survivors: Verbal, Ritual, and Material Ways of Narrating Disaster and Recovery
Carl Lindahl (editor), Michael Dylan Foster (editor), Kate Parker Horigan (editor), 2022
Radiology-Nuclear Medicine Diagnostic Imaging: A Correlative Approach
Ali Gholamrezanezhad (editor), Majid Assadi (editor), Hossein Jadvar (editor), 2023
National Constitutions and EU Integration
Stefan Griller (editor), Lina Papadopoulou (editor), Roman Puff (editor), 2022
Studies in Hebrew and Aramatic Syntax: Presented to Professor J. Hoftijzer on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday
Karel Jongeling (editor), Heleen Murre-Van Den Berg (editor), Van Rompay (editor), 1991
Hieronymus. Biblia Sacra Vulgata. Lateinisch-deutsch Band II Iosue – Iudices – Ruth – Samuhel – Malachim – Verba dierum – Ezras – Tobias – Iudith – Hester – Iob
Michael Fieger (editor), Widu-Wolfgang Ehlers (editor), Andreas Beriger (editor), 2018
Questioni di un certo genere
Arianna Cavallo (editor), Ludovica Lugli (editor), Massimo Prearo (editor), 2021