نتایج جستجو

Introduction to Radiation Protection: Practical Knowledge for Handling Radioactive Sources
Claus Grupen (auth.), 2010
Knowledge-Based Information Retrieval and Filtering from the Web
Krzysztof Węcel (auth.), 2003
Creating Agile Business Systems with Reusable Knowledge
A. Mitra, 2006
Gender at the Crossroads of Knowledge: Feminist Anthropology in the Postmodern Era
Micaela di Leonardo, 1991
Commonsense Knowledge, Ontology and Ordinary Language
Walid S. Saba, 2008
Limits of Knowledge: Generating Pragmatist Feminist Cases for Situated Knowing
Nancy Arden McHugh, 2015
Epistemology: A Contemporary Introduction to the Theory of Knowledge
Robert Audi, 2002
Kant and contemporary theory of knowledge
Dietmar H. Heidemann (ed.), 2013
Invented Knowledge: False History, Fake Science and Pseudo-Religions
Ronald H. Fritze, 2009
Dynamic Capabilities: How Organizational Structures Affect Knowledge Processes
Philip Cordes-Berszinn (auth.), 2013
Inside knowledge : rediscovering the source of performance improvement
Cavaleri, Steven, 2006
Knowledge Acquisition in Practice: A Step-by-step Guide
N. R. Milton PhD, 2007
Hidden History Lost Civilizations, Secret Knowledge, and Ancient Mysteries
Brian Haughton, 2007
The enterprise of knowledge
Isaac Levi, 1980
The Economics of Knowledge
Dominique Foray, 2000, 2004
Working Knowledge: Skill and Community in a Small Shop
Douglas Harper, 1987
Knowledge and Ignorance: Essays on Lights and Shadows
Folke Dovring, 1998