نتایج جستجو

Science In The Making : Volume One 1798-1850: Scientific
Meurig-Thomas, Sir John, 1995
Scientific Computing, Validated Numerics, Interval Methods
G. William Walster (auth.), 2001
Ecology of the planted aquarium : a practical manual and scientific treatise for the home aquarist
by Diana L. Walstad, 1999
J. Bruce Nestleroth; (US); Battelle Memorial Institute.; National Energy Technology Laboratory (U.S.).; United States. Dept. of Energy. Office of Scientific, 1998
Critical Appraisal of Physical Science as a Human Enterprise: Dynamics of Scientific Progress
Mansoor Niaz (auth.), 2009
Physical Aspects of Colour: An Introduction to the Scientific Study of Colour Stimuli and Colour Sensations
Dr. P. J. Bouma (auth.), 1971
Bifurcations in Piecewise-smooth Continuous Systems (World Scientific Series on Nonlinear Science Series a)
David John Warwick Simpson, 2010
Scientific Computing with Maple Programming
Zeng Z., 2001
Scientific Programming: C-Language, Algorithms and Models in Science
Luciano M Barone, 2013
Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards
Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water, 2006
Creating Scientific Concepts (Bradford Books)
Nancy J. Nersessian, 2008
The ACS Style Guide: Effective Communication of Scientific Information
Anne M. Coghill, 2006
The Programming and Proof System ATES: Advanced Techniques Integration into Efficient Scientific Software
Armand Puccetti (auth.), 1991