نتایج جستجو

Moving Against the System: The 1968 Congress of Black Writers and the Making of Global Black Consciousness
David Austin; Alvin Poussaint; C. L. R. James; Robert Hill; Walter Rodney; Richard B. Moore; Richard Small; Harry Edwards; James Forman; Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael); Michael Smith; Rosie Douglas, 2018
JavaScript: The Good Parts: The Good Parts
Douglas Crockford, 2008
A Handbook of Gods and Goddesses of the Ancient Near East: Three Thousand Deities of Anatolia, Syria, Israel, Babylonia, Assyria, and Elam
Douglas R. Frayne; Johanna H. Stuckey, 2021
Douglas Board, 2021
El mundo de los bienes : hacia una antropología del consumo
Mary Tew Douglas; ; Enrique Mercado; Baron C. Isherwood, 1990
Estilos de pensar : ensayos críticos sobre el buen gusto
Mary Douglas, 2008
Redescubrir a Jesús de Nazaret : lo que la investigación sobre el Jes ús histórico ha olvidado
James Douglas Grant Dunn; Francisco Javier Molina de la Torre, 2006
GURPS 4th edition. Ghostbusters
Kenneth Hite, Michael Tresca, Fritz Baugh, William H. Stoddard,Aaron Allston, Douglas KaufmanWritten, 2008
Teaching High School Science Through Inquiry and Argumentation
Douglas J. Llewellyn, 2012
Origins of Life: A cosmic perspective
Douglas Whittet, 2017
Of One Mind: The Logic of Hypnosis, The Practice of Therapy
Douglas G. Flemons, 2002
Self-Coached Climber: The Guide to Movement, Training, Performance
Dan M. Hague, Douglas Hunter, 2006
Building Structures Illustrated: Patterns, Systems, and Design
Francis D. K. Ching, Barry Onouye, Douglas Zuberbuhler, 2009
Medieval Military Technology
DeVries, Kelly;Smith, Robert Douglas.;, 2012
Understanding Capitalism: Critical Analysis from Karl Marx to Amartya Sen
Douglas F. Dowd (editor), 2002
Cataract Surgery: Maximising Outcomes Through Research: Maximizing Outcomes Through Research
Hiroko Bissen-miyajima (editor), Douglas Donald Koch (editor), Mitchell Patrick Weikert (editor), 2014
Encyclopedia of Cardiovascular Research and Medicine
Douglas B. Sawyer, Ramachandran S. Vasan, 2017
Introduction to unmanned aircraft systems
R. Kurt. Barnhart (editor); Douglas M. Marshall (editor); Eric Shappee (editor), 2021
Fingerprints: Processing, Analysis and Understanding
Sharon Plotkin; Bracey-Ann Douglas; Mark R. Hawthorne, 2020
Gödel, Escher, Bach. Un'eterna ghirlanda brillante. Una fuga metaforica su menti e macchine nello spirito di Lewis Carroll
Douglas R. Hofstadter, Giuseppe Trautteur (editor), 1990
Argumentación y normatividad dialógica: compromisos y razonamiento interpersonal
Douglas N. Walton; Erik C. W. Krabbe, 2017
Marine Nitrogen Fixation
Jonathan P. Zehr, Douglas G. Capone, 2021
Marine Nitrogen Fixation
Jonathan P. Zehr, Douglas G. Capone, 2021
Driven: Understanding and Harnessing the Genetic Gifts Shared by Entrepreneurs, Navy SEALs, Pro Athletes, and Maybe YOU
Douglas Brackmann; Randy Kelley, 2017