نتایج جستجو

Statistical Foundations Of Data Science
Jianqing Fan, Runze Li, Cun-Hui Zhang, Hui Zou, 2020
Scientific Journeys: A Physicist Explores the Culture, History and Personalities of Science
H. Frederick Dylla, 2020
Advances in Audiology and Hearing Science-Volume 2: Otoprotection, Regeneration, and Telemedicine
Stavros Hatzopoulos (Editor), 2020
Advances in Cotton Science-Botany, Production, and Crop Improvement
Ratikanta Maiti (Author); Ch. Aruna Kumari (Author); Abul Kalam Samsul Huda (Author); Debashis Mandal (Author); Sameena Begum (Author), 2020
Advances in Neutron Optics-Fundamentals and Applications in Materials Science and Biomedicine
Maria L. Calvo (Editor); Ramon F. Alvarez-Estrada (Editor), 2019
Alcohol, Drugs, and Impaired Driving-Forensic Science and Law Enforcement Issues
A. Wayne Jones (Editor); Jorg Gustav Morland (Editor); Ray H. Liu (Editor), 2020
Applied Muscle Biology and Meat Science
Ph.D., Min Du (Editor); Richard J. McCormick (Editor), 2009
Modern Science and Anarchism
Pëtr Alekseevič Kropotkin, 1903
The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self
Thomas Metzinger, 2009
The Ego Tunnel: The Science of the Mind and the Myth of the Self
Thomas Metzinger, 2009
Materials Science and Engineering Technology:
Zhang Mei (ed.), 2014
Unique: The New Science of Human Individuality
David Linden, 2020
Women In Science: 100 Journeys Into The Territory
Vivian Gornick, 1990
Essentials of Mathematical Methods in Science and Engineering
Selcuk S. Bayin, 2019
Heaven and Earth: Global Warming, the Missing Science
Ian Plimer, 2009
A New Sacred Geometry: The Art and Science of Frank Chester
Seth T. Miller, 2013
Scheffer/Schachtschabel Soil Science
H.-P. Blume, G. W. Brümmer, H. Fleige, R. Horn, E. Kandeler, I. Kögel-Knabner, R. Kretzschmar, K. Stahr, B.-M. Wilke, 2016
Sustainability Science
Heinrichs, H., Martens, P., Michelsen, G., Wiek, A. (Eds.), 2016
Justice Denied: The Role of Forensic Science in the Miscarriage of Justice
David Klatzow, 2015
The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policymakers
Sheila Jasanoff, 1998
Into science. Creative english for scientific course. Per le Scuole superiori. Con e-book. Con espansione online
Elisabetta Grasso, Paola Melchiori, 2012
Nelson International Science Student Book 1 (International Primary)
Anthony Russell, 2014