نتایج جستجو

Romans on the bay of Naples and other essays on Roman Campania
D'Arms John, 2003
The tribuni plebis and the end of the Roman Republic
Loonis Logghe, 2016
Roman Oratory
Catherine Steel, 2006
The Consul at Rome: The Civil Functions of the Consuls in the Roman Republic
Francisco Pina Polo, 2011
Lucretius and the Late Republic: An Essay in Roman Intellectual History
John Douglas Minyard, 1985
Man in an Artificial Landscape. The Marvels of Civilization in Imperial Roman Literature
Zoja Pavlovskis, 1973
The Archaistic Style in Roman Statuary
Mark D. Fullerton, 1990
The emperor in the Roman world: 31 BC-AD 337
Millar Fergus, 1977
New Directions in the Study of Women in the Greco-Roman World
Ronnie Ancona; Georgia Tsouvala, 2021
The Roman History: From Romulus and the Foundation of Rome to the Reign of the Emperor Tiberius
Velleius Paterculus; J.C. Yardley; Anthony A. Barrett, 2011
The Dido Episode and the Aeneid. Roman Social and Political Values in the Epic
Richard C. Monti, 1981
Roman Economic Policy in the Erythra Thalassa: 30 B.C.-A.D. 217
Steven E. Sidebotham, 1986
Empires and Communities in the Post-Roman and Islamic World, C. 400-1000 CE
Walter Pohl;, 2021
Roman Law Before the Twelve Tables: An Interdisciplinary Approach
Sinclair W. Bell (editor), Paul J. du Plessis (editor), 2020
The first fossil hunters : dinosaurs, mammoths, and myth in Greek and Roman times
Mayor, Adrienne, 2011
Cacus and Marsyas in Etrusco-Roman Legend
Jocelyn Penny Small, 2014
The Near East Under Roman Rule: Selected Papers
Benjamin H. Isaac, 1997
Medicine on Ancient Greek and Roman Coins
Raymond George Penn, 1994
Urban Disasters and the Roman Imagination
Virginia M. Closs; Elizabeth Keitel, 2020
The Material Fall of Roman Britain, 300-525 CE
Robin Fleming, 2021
The Roman Banquet: Images of Conviviality
Katherine M. D. Dunbabin, 2010
Greek and Roman Mechanical Water-Lifting Devices: The History of a Technology
John Peter Oleson, 1984