نتایج جستجو

Early Modern Concepts for a Late Modern World: Althusius on Community and Federalism
Thomas O. Hueglin, 1999
A Modern Guide to Uneven Economic Development (Elgar Modern Guides)
Erik S. Reinert (editor), Ingrid H. Kvangraven (editor), 2023
Language Commonality and Literary Communities in Early Modern England: Translation, Transmission, Transfer (Polyglot Encounters in Early Modern Britain, 1)
Laetitia Sansonetti (editor), Remi Vuillemin (editor), 2022
戏仿 古代、现代与后现代 Parody: Ancient, Modern and Post-Modern
玛格丽特·A.罗斯, Rose Margaret, 王海萌, 2013
Immunology: The Making of a Modern Science: The Making of a Modern Science
Richard B. Gallagher (editor), Jean Gilder (editor), Gustav J.V. Nossal (editor), Gaetano Salvatore (editor), 1995
Spectacles of Truth in Classical Greek Philosophy: Theoria in its Cultural Context
Andrea Wilson Nightingale, 2004
Ancient Greek Laws: A Sourcebook
Il Arnaoutoglou, 1998
An English-Greek Dictionary of English Idioms
C. N. Grivas, x.x.
A history of Greek cinema
Vrasidas Karalis., 2012.
"Греческие эпиграммы" (2-я симфония), партитура / "Greek Epigrams" (Symphony #2), score
А.Л.Локшин /A.L.Lokshin, 1971
A Companion to Ancient Greek Government
Hans Beck (editor), 2013
Law and Ethics in Greek and Roman Declamation
Eugenio Amato, Francesco Citti, Bart Huelsenbeck, 2015