نتایج جستجو

Cultural Interaction Between East and West: Archaeology, Artefacts and Human Contacts in Northern Europe
Ulf Fransson, Marie Svedin, Sophie Bergerbrant, Fedir Androshchuk (eds.), 2007
Empirical Translation Studies
Gert De Sutter, Marie-Aude Lefer, Isabelle Delaere (eds.), 2017
Empirical Translation Studies
Gert De Sutter, Marie-Aude Lefer, Isabelle Delaere (eds.), 2017
Environment and Vikings, with Special Reference to Birka
Urve Miller, Björn Ambrosiani, Helen Clarke, Tony Hackens, Ann-Marie Hansson, Birgitta Johansson (eds.), 1997
The New Energy Crisis: Climate, Economics and Geopolitics
Jean-Marie Chevalier, Patrice Geoffron (eds.), 2013
A Political Ecology of Women, Water and Global Environmental Change
Stephanie Buechler, Anne-Marie Hanson (eds.), 2015
Medieval Cantors and Their Craft: Music, Liturgy and the Shaping of History, 800-1500
Katie Ann-Marie Bugyis, Andrew B. Kraebel, Margot E. Fassler (eds.), 2017
Encountering Imagery: Materialities, Perceptions, Relations
Ing-Marie Back Danielsson, Fredrik Fahlander, Ylva Sjöstrand (eds.), 2012
Die Zeitung Als Medium in der Neueren Sprachgeschichte: Korpora, Analyse, Wirkung
Oliver Pfefferkorn; Jörg Riecke; Britt-Marie Schuster (eds.), 2017
Die Zeitung Als Medium in der Neueren Sprachgeschichte: Korpora, Analyse, Wirkung
Oliver Pfefferkorn; Jörg Riecke; Britt-Marie Schuster (eds.), 2017
Los Cínicos
R. Bracht Branham ; Marie-Odile Goulet-Cazé (eds.), 2000
Literature and Honour
Aasta Marie Bjorvand Bjørkøy, Thorstein Norheim (eds.), 2017
Covid-19, Estado de derecho y procesos electorales en Latinoamérica
Marie-Christine Fuchs, Leandro Querido, Jesús Delgado, Andrés Villegas, (eds.), 2021
Second Workshop on Universal Dependencies (UDW 2018). Proceedings of the Workshop
Marie-Catherine de Marneffe, Teresa Lynn, Sebastian Schuster, (eds.), 2018
Schlesische Bibliographie 1961-1963 : Register
Marie-Luise Böger, Ingrid Theyson (eds.), 1983
Estados y naciones en los Andes. Hacia una historia comparativa: Bolivia - Colombia - Ecuador - Perú
Jean-Paul Deler, Yves Saint-Geours (eds.), René Arze, Heraclio Bonilla, Manuel Burga, Manuel Chiriboga, Germán Colmenares, Marie Demélas, Henri Favre, Alberto Flores Galindo, Miguel Glave, Augusto Gómez, Patrick Husson, Carlos Jaramillo, Jean-Pierre Lavaud, Nelson Manrique, Gunnar Mendoza, Jean Piel, Rafael Quintero, Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, Thierry Saignes, Yves Saint-Geours, Hermes Tovar (auts.), 1986
ANKLAENGE 2010: Gibt es sie noch: ‚die‘ Musik? Vorüberlegungen zu einer Allgemeinen Musiklehre
Marie-Agnes Dittrich, Reinhard Kapp (eds.), 2010
Translation in Mitochondria and Other Organelles
Manjuli R. Sharma, Prem S. Kaushal (auth.), Anne-Marie Duchêne (eds.), 2013
The Cinema of Cuba: Contemporary Film and the Legacy of Revolution
Ann Marie Stock, Guy Baron, Antonio Álvarez Pitaluga (eds.), 2017
Le Fayoum: Archéologie – Histoire – Religion. Actes du sixième colloque international, Montpellier, 26–28 octobre 2016
Marie-Pierre Chaufray, Ivan Guermeur, Sandra Lippert, Vincent Rondot (eds.), 2018
Von Magna Graecia nach Asia Minor: Festschrift für Linda-Marie Günther zum 65. Geburtstag
Hans Beck, Benedikt Eckhardt, Christoph Michels, Sonja Richter (eds.), 2017
Post-colonial Burial and Grieving Rituals of the Caribbean
Camille Huggins, Ann Marie Bissessar, Glenda M. Hinkson (eds.), 2024
Post-colonial Burial and Grieving Rituals of the Caribbean
Camille Huggins, Ann Marie Bissessar, Glenda M. Hinkson (eds.), 2024
Interfaces between Language and Culture in Medieval England: A Festschrift for Matti Kilpiö
Edited by Alaric Hall, Olga Timofeeva, Ágnes Kiricsi and Bethany Fox, 2010