نتایج جستجو

Gedanken zur Reform des physikalischen Unterrichts: Erste Göttinger Tagung 6.–8. Januar 1955
Professor Dr. Hans Kopfermann, Professor Dr. Franziska Seidl, Professor Dr. Georg Schmitz, Oberregierungsrat Dr. Heinz Schoene, Oberstud.-Dir. Dr. Gotthard Gronau, Studienrat Dr. Emil Greiner, Oberstudienrat Dr. Max Groos, Studienrat Alfred Wagner, Oberstudienrat Fritz Flommersfeld, Oberstudienrat Leo-Werner Wolski, Oberstudienrat H. Rix, Oberstud.-Dir. Dr. Hans Ristau, Oberstudienrat Dr. Adolf Maurer, Regierungsdirektor Irma Heinrich, Oberstudienrat Wolfgang Corbach, Oberstudienrat Erich Bauman, 1955
Evolutionary Biology
Olivier Rieppel (auth.), Max K. Hecht, Ross J. MacIntyre, Michael T. Clegg (eds.), 1993
Evolutionary Biology
Brian K. Hall (auth.), Max K. Hecht, Ross J. Macintyre, Michael T. Clegg (eds.), 1995
Evolutionary Biology
James F. Crow (auth.), Max K. Hecht, Ross J. Macintyre, Michael T. Clegg (eds.), 1998
Evolutionary Biology
Elysse M. Craddock (auth.), Max K. Hecht, Ross J. Macintyre, Michael T. Clegg (eds.), 2000
Evolutionary Biology: Limits to Knowledge in Evolutionary Genetics
Michael Ruse (auth.), Michael T. Clegg, Max K. Hecht, Ross J. Macintyre (eds.), 2000
Reinforced Masonry Engineering Handbook: Clay and Concrete Masonry, Sixth Edition
James E. Amrhein , Max L. Porter, 2009
Between Philosophy and Social Science: Selected Early Writings
Max Horkheimer, G.Frederick Hunter, Matthew S. Kramer, John Torpey, 1993
The New Carbon Economy: Constitution, Governance and Contestation
Peter Newell, Max Boykoff, Emily Boyd, 2012
Karl Mannheim and the Legacy of Max Weber
David Kettler, Colin Loader, Volker Meja, 2008
Karl Mannheim and the Legacy of Max Weber: Retrieving a Research Programme
David Kettler, Colin Loader, Volker Meja, 2008
Begleitforschung „Regionen Aktiv“: Synthesebericht und Handlungsempfehlungen
Sebastian Elbe, Gunter Kroes, Arthur Benz, Robert Lukesch, Katrin Wei?, Michael Bocher, Max Krott, Anna Meincke, Ute Middelmann, Harald Payer, Jutta Rabenau, Sebastian Trankner, 2007
Optical Communication Theory and Techniques
Josef Kallrath, Josef Kallrath, Panos M. Pardalos, Steffen Rebennack, Max Scheidt, 2005
Oxford Handbook Of Palliative Care
Max Watson, Caroline Lucas, Andrew Hoy, Ian Back, 2005
Recrystallization and Related Annealing Phenomena, Second Edition
F. John Humphreys, Max Hatherly, 2004
Theory of Social and Economic Organization
Max Weber, Talcott Parsons (Introduction), 1964
The Release of Genetically Modified Microorganisms—REGEM 2
J. D. van Elsas (auth.), Duncan E. S. Stewart-Tull, Max Sussman (eds.), 1992
3ds max VRay Photoshop 建筑与室内效果图设计入门·提高·精通
李香敏,HZBook,DynoMedia Inc, 2011
Max Weber in Politics and Social Thought: From Charisma to Canonization
Professor Joshua Derman, 2013
Density-Matrix Renormalization: A New Numerical Method in Physics Lectures of a Seminar and Workshop Held at the Max-Planck-Institut für Physik komplexer Systeme Dresden, Germany, August 24th to September 18th, 1998
Theo Costi (auth.), Prof. Dr. Ingo Peschel, Dr. Matthias Kaulke, Dr. Xiaoqun Wang, Dr. Karen Hallberg (eds.), 1999
Electrotherapy of the Heart: Technical Aspects in Cardiac Pacing
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Max Schaldach (auth.), 1992
Engineering in Medicine: Volume 2: Advances in Artificial Hip and Knee Joint Technology
G. Friedebold, R. Kölbel (auth.), Prof. Dr. Max Schaldach, Prof. Dr. Dietrich Hohmann (eds.), 1976
Stochasticity and Quantum Chaos: Proceedings of the 3rd Max Born Symposium, Sobótka Castle, September 15–17, 1993
N. L. Balazs (auth.), Zbigniew Haba, Wojciech Cegła, Lech Jakóbczyk (eds.), 1995