نتایج جستجو

Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, and Norms in Agent Systems III: COIN 2007 International Workshops COIN@AAMAS 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 2007
Jaime Simão Sichman, Julian Padget, Sascha Ossowski, Pablo Noriega, 2008
Advanced Experimental Techniques in Powder Metallurgy: Based on a Symposium on Advanced Experimental Techniques in Powder Metallurgy sponsored by the Institute of Metals Division, Powder Metallurgy Committee, held at the Spring Meeting of The Metallurgical Society of AIME in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, May 1969
O. Johari (auth.), Joel S. Hirschhorn, Kempton H. Roll (eds.), 1970
Complex Analysis: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Kentucky, May 18–22, 1976
Lars V. Ahlfors (auth.), James D. Buckholtz, Teddy J. Suffridge (eds.), 1977
Complex Analysis: Proceedings of the Conference held at the University of Kentucky, May 18–22, 1976
Lars V. Ahlfors (auth.), James D. Buckholtz, Teddy J. Suffridge (eds.), 1977
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: 8th International Conference, CAiSE'96 Heraklion, Crete, Greece, May 20–24, 1996 Proceedings
Steven Kelly, Kalle Lyytinen, Matti Rossi (auth.), Panos Constantopoulos, John Mylopoulos, Yannis Vassiliou (eds.), 1996
Advanced Information Systems Engineering: Second Nordic Conference CAiSE '90 Stockholm, Sweden, May 8–10, 1990 Proceedings
Anthony I. Wasserman (auth.), Bo Steinholtz, Arne Sølvberg, Lars Bergman (eds.), 1990
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering II: Second International Workshop, AOSE 2001 Montreal, Canada, May 29, 2001 Revised Papers and Invited Contributions
H. Van Dyke Parunak, James J. Odell (auth.), Michael J. Wooldridge, Gerhard Weiß, Paolo Ciancarini (eds.), 2002
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VII: 7th International Workshop, AOSE 2006, Hakodate, Japan, May 8, 2006, Revised and Invited Papers
Scott A. DeLoach, Jorge L. Valenzuela (auth.), Lin Padgham, Franco Zambonelli (eds.), 2007
Agent-Oriented Software Engineering VIII: 8th International Workshop, AOSE 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 14, 2007, Revised Selected Papers
Juan C. Garcia-Ojeda, Scott A. DeLoach, Robby, Walamitien H. Oyenan, Jorge Valenzuela (auth.), Michael Luck, Lin Padgham (eds.), 2008
Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond: The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr held in Lund, May 8-9, 2008
Lars-Erik Persson (auth.), Kalle Åström, Lars-Erik Persson, Sergei D. Silvestrov (eds.), 2012
Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond: The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr held in Lund, May 8-9, 2008
Lars-Erik Persson (auth.), Kalle Åström, Lars-Erik Persson, Sergei D. Silvestrov (eds.), 2012
Analysis for Science, Engineering and Beyond: The Tribute Workshop in Honour of Gunnar Sparr held in Lund, May 8-9, 2008
Lars-Erik Persson (auth.), Kalle Åström, Lars-Erik Persson, Sergei D. Silvestrov (eds.), 2012
Computational Science and Its Applications – ICCSA 2005: International Conference, Singapore, May 9-12, 2005, Proceedings, Part II
Hae-Sool Yang, Jung-Hun Hong, Seok-Hyung Hwang, Haeng-Kon Kim (auth.), Osvaldo Gervasi, Marina L. Gavrilova, Vipin Kumar, Antonio Laganà , Heow Pueh Lee, Youngsong Mun, David Taniar, Chih Jeng Kenneth Tan (eds.), 2005
Trends and Applications in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: PAKDD 2014 International Workshops: DANTH, BDM, MobiSocial, BigEC, CloudSD, MSMV-MBI, SDA, DMDA-Health, ALSIP, SocNet, DMBIH, BigPMA,Tainan, Taiwan, May 13-16, 2014. Revised Selected Papers
Wen-Chih Peng, Haixun Wang, James Bailey, Vincent S. Tseng, Tu Bao Ho, Zhi-Hua Zhou, Arbee L.P. Chen (eds.), 2014
Challenges and advances in sustainable transportation systems : plan, design, build, manage, and maintain : proceedings of the 10th Asia Pacific Transportation Development Conference, May 25-27, 2014, Beijing, China
Ph.D., P.E. Yong Bai, Ph.D. Xiuli Du, Ph.D., P.E. Pei-Sung Lin, Ph.D., P.E. Wei-Chou Virgil Ping, Ph.D., P.E. Endi Zhai, Ph.D. Yilei Huang, 2014
Advanced Computational Methods for Knowledge Engineering: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Computer Science, Applied Mathematics and Applications, ICCSAMA 2016, 2-3 May, 2016, Vienna, Austria
Thanh Binh Nguyen, Tien van Do, Hoai An Le Thi, Ngoc Thanh Nguyen (eds.), 2016
Advances in Cryptology – EUROCRYPT 2013: 32nd Annual International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Cryptographic Techniques, Athens, Greece, May 26-30, 2013. Proceedings
Sanjam Garg, Craig Gentry, Shai Halevi (auth.), Thomas Johansson, Phong Q. Nguyen (eds.), 2013
Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining: 16th Pacific-Asia Conference, PAKDD 2012, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, May 29 – June 1, 2012, Proceedings, Part II
Hai-Long Nguyen, Yew-Kwong Woon, Wee-Keong Ng, Li Wan (auth.), Pang-Ning Tan, Sanjay Chawla, Chin Kuan Ho, James Bailey (eds.), 2012
Advances in Neural Networks – ISNN 2009: 6th International Symposium on Neural Networks, ISNN 2009 Wuhan, China, May 26-29, 2009 Proceedings, Part II
Jiacai Fu, Thi Tra Giang Dang, Minh Nhut Nguyen, Daming Shi (auth.), Wen Yu, Haibo He, Nian Zhang (eds.), 2009
Interactions of C, N, P and S Biogeochemical Cycles and Global Change
Fred T. Mackenzie, Leah May Ver, Christopher Sabine, Michael Lane, Abraham Lerman (auth.), Roland Wollast, Fred T. Mackenzie, Lei Chou (eds.), 1993
NETWORKING 2008 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet: 7th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference Singapore, May 5-9, 2008 Proceedings
Hervé Aïache, Vania Conan, Laure Lebrun, Jérémie Leguay, Stéphane Rousseau (auth.), Amitabha Das, Hung Keng Pung, Francis Bu Sung Lee, Lawrence Wai Choong Wong (eds.), 2008
NETWORKING 2008 Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks, Wireless Networks, Next Generation Internet: 7th International IFIP-TC6 Networking Conference Singapore, May 5-9, 2008 Proceedings
Hervé Aïache, Vania Conan, Laure Lebrun, Jérémie Leguay, Stéphane Rousseau (auth.), Amitabha Das, Hung Keng Pung, Francis Bu Sung Lee, Lawrence Wai Choong Wong (eds.), 2008
Sixth Futures Forum on Crisis Communication : Reykjavik, Iceland, 10 - 11 May 2004
World Health Organization, Europe.
Handbook of Mental Health and Aging
James E. Birren, Gene D. Cohen, R. Bruce Sloane, Barry D. Lebowitz, Donna E. Deutchman, May Wykle and Nancy R. Hooyman (Eds.), 1992