نتایج جستجو

Jewish and Roman Law: A Comparative Study (Volume 2)
Boaz Cohen; Natalie B Dohrmann, 2018
Jewish and Roman Law: A Comparative Study (Volume 1)
Boaz Cohen; Natalie B Dohrmann, 2018
The imperial Roman army
Yann Le Bohec, 1994
Dictionar grec-roman (DGR), Volume 1
Constantin Georgescu, Simona Georgescu, Theodor Georgescu, 2012
Language Change in the Wake of Empire: Syriac in Its Greco-Roman Context
Aaron Michael Butts, 2016
The mathematics of metamathematics.
Helena Rasiowa; Roman Sikorski, 1963
The Later Roman Empire Today
D.F. Clark, Margaret M Roxan, J.J. Wilkes, 2017
Roman Remains in the Town and Territory of Velletri (Analecta Gorgiana)
A. Pelzer Wagener;Thomas Ashby, 2009
A Revised List of Roman Memorial and Triumphal Arches (Analecta Gorgiana)
Arthur Frothingham, 2009
The Military Decorations of the Roman Army
Valerie A. Maxfield, 1981
The Eagle and the Bear: A New History of Roman Scotland
John H. Reid, 2023
Roman Poetry and Drama, Greek Epic, Comedy, Rhetoric
Francis Cairns; Malcolm Heath, 1990
Dicțonar de afaceri român-englez-rus
Ion Jurconi, Florina Mohanu, 2002
Dicționar ilustrat de constructii și materiale de construcții englez-român
Constantin Mihăescu, Ștefan Oprea, Mircea Ciorapciu
Materiality in Roman Art and Architecture: Aesthetics, Semantics and Function
Annette Haug (editor); Adrian Hielscher (editor); M. Taylor Lauritsen (editor), 2021