نتایج جستجو

Dating Acts in Its Jewish and Greco-Roman Contexts
Karl L. Armstrong, 2021
London in the Roman World
Dominic Perring, 2021
T&T Clark Handbook to Early Christian Meals in the Greco-Roman World
Soham Al-Suadi; Peter-Ben Smit (editors), 2019
Religion in the Roman Empire (Die Religionen Der Menschheit, 16)
Jörg Rüpke (editor), Greg Woolf (editor), 2021
Conceptions of Time in Greek and Roman Antiquity
Richard Faure; Simon-Pierre Valli; Arnaud Zucker, 2022
The Making of a Roman Imperial Estate: Archaeology in the Vicus at Vagnari, Puglia
Maureen Carroll (editor), 2022
Roman Pottery and Glass Manufactures: Production and Trade in the Adriatic Region and Beyond Proceedings of the 4th International Archaeological Colloquium (Crikvenica, 8-9 November 2017)
Anamarija Eterović Borzić (editor), Ana Konestra (editor), Goranka Lipovac Vrkljan (editor), 2022
Junian Latinity in the Roman Empire Volume 1: History, Law, Literature
Pedro López Barja (editor); Carla Masi Doria (editor); Ulrike Roth (editor), 2023
Organic Chemistry: 100 Must-Know Mechanisms
Roman Valiulin, 2023
Organic Chemistry: 100 Must-Know Mechanisms
Roman A. Valiulin, 2023
Armies of the Roman Republic 264–30 BC: History, Organization and Equipment
Gabriele Esposito, 2023
Gattung und Geschlecht: Weiblichkeitsnarrative im galanten Roman um 1700
Katja Barthel, 2016
Polybius and Roman Imperialism
Donald Walter Baronowski, 2011
Tandem: roman over een plantersleven
Jacob Vis
Nemesius of Emesa on Human Nature: A Cosmopolitan Anthropology from Roman Syria
David Lloyd Dusenbury, 2021
Composite Citations in Antiquity: Volume One: Jewish, Graeco-Roman, and Early Christian Uses
Sean A. Adams; Seth M. Ehorn (editors), 2016
Thirteen Roman Defeats: The Disasters That Made The Legions
Ian Hughes, 2023
Thirteen Roman Defeats: The Disasters That Made The Legions
Ian Hughes, 2023
The Get Things Done Book: 41 Tools to Start, Stick With and Finish Things
Mikael Krogerus, Roman Tschäppeler, 2022
Cosmology and Fate in Gnosticism and Graeco-Roman Antiquity: Under Pitiless Skies
Nicola F. Denzey, 2013
Urothelial Carcinoma: Methods and Protocols
Michèle J. Hoffmann, Nadine T. Gaisa, Roman Nawroth, Thorsten H. Ecke, 2023
Operation Messiah: St Paul, Roman Intelligence and the Birth of Christianity
Thijs Voskuilen, Rose Mary Sheldon, 2008
The Communication Book: 44 Ideas for Better Conversations Every Day
Mikael Krogerus; Roman Tschäppeler, 2020