نتایج جستجو

Foundational Essays on Topological Manifolds, Smoothings, and Triangulations
Robion C. Kirby, Laurence C. Siebenmann, 1977
Lectures in Theoretical Physics (Volume I: Lectures delivered at the summer institute for theoretical physics, University of Colorado, Boulder, 1958)
Edited by Wesley E. Brittin and Lita G. Dunham, 1959
Heat Kernel and Analysis on Manifolds
Alexander Grigor’yan, 2009
Mapping Degree Theory
Enrique Outerelo and Jesus M. Ruiz, 2009
Ring theory V2, Volume 127-II (Pure and Applied Mathematics)
Louis Halle Rowen, 1988
Quadratic Form Theory and Differential Equations
John Gregory (Eds.), 1980
Principles of Anatomy and Physiology, 12th Edition
Gerard J. Tortora, Bryan H. Derrickson, 2008
Algebraic Methods in Statistical Mechanics and Quantum Field Theory
Gerard G. Emch, 1972
Saint George Between Empires: Image and Encounter in the Medieval East
Heather A. Badamo, 2023
Localization in Translation (Routledge Introductions to Translation and Interpreting)
Miguel A. Jiménez-Crespo, 2024
Philosophy and Scientific Realism
J. J. C. Smart, 1963
Disinformation Debunked (Routledge Research in Media Literacy and Education)
Divina Frau-Meigs (editor), Nicoleta Corbu (editor), 2024
Philosophy and Scientific Realism
J.J.C. Smart, 1963
American Sexual Behavior: Demographics of Sexual Activity, Fertility and Childbearing
Inc. New Strategist Publications, 2006
Catch-up Industrialization: The Trajectory and Prospects of East Asian Economies
Akira Suehiro, 2008
Foundations of Incidence Geometry: Projective and Polar Spaces
Johannes Ueberberg (auth.), 2011
Geodesic and Horocyclic Trajectories
Françoise Dal’Bo (auth.), 2011
Aperture Synthesis: Methods and Applications to Optical Astronomy
Swapan Kumar Saha (auth.), 2011