نتایج جستجو

Knowledge Graphs and Logic: One of Two Kinds
Harmen van den Berg, 1993
Traditional Ecological Knowledge: Learning from Indigenous Practices for Environmental Sustainability
Melissa K. Nelson (editor), Daniel Shilling (editor), 2018
Knowledge Discovery in Big Data from Astronomy and Earth Observation: Astrogeoinformatics
Petr Skoda (editor), Fathalrahman Adam (editor), 2020
Indigenous Knowledge for Climate Change Assessment and Adaptation
Douglas Nakashima, 2018
Exploiting the Power of Group Differences: Using Patterns to Solve Data Analysis Problems (Synthesis Lectures on Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery)
Lise Getoor (editor), Jiawei Han (editor), Guozhu Dong, 2019
Local Knowledge, Global Stage
Frederic W. Gleach; Regna Darnell, 2016
Spatial Computing (Mit Press Essential Knowledge)
Shashi Shekhar, Pamela Vold, 2020
Praxis II Business Education: Content Knowledge (5101) Exam Secrets Study Guide: Praxis II Test Review for the Praxis II: Subject Assessments
Praxis II Exam Secrets Test Prep Team, 2016
CCNA Security 210-260 Certification Guide: Build your knowledge of network security and pass your CCNA Security exam (210-260)
Glen D. Singh, Michael Vinod, Vijay Anandh, 2018
Occupational and Environmental Skin Disorders: Epidemiology, Current Knowledge and Perspectives for Novel Therapies
Nlandu Roger Ngatu; Mitsunori Ikeda, 2018
Subjectivity and Knowledge: Generalization in the Psychological Study of Everyday Life
Charlotte Højholt; Ernst Schraube, 2019
The Nature of Scientific Knowledge
Kevin McCain
The Nature of Scientific Knowledge: An Explanatory Approach
Kevin McCain, 2016
Knowledge Management: Value Creation Through Organizational Learning
Klaus North; Gita Kumta, 2018
Knowledge Management
Klaus North & Gita Kumta
Neoliberalism in Context: Governance, Subjectivity and Knowledge
Simon Dawes; Marc Lenormand, 2020
Sports, Society, and Technology: Bodies, Practices, and Knowledge Production
Jennifer J. Sterling; Mary G. McDonald, 2019
Inscribing Knowledge in the Medieval Book: The Power of Paratexts
Rosalind Brown-Grant (editor), Patrizia Carmassi (editor), Gisela Drossbach (editor), Anne D. Hedeman (editor), Victoria Turner (editor), Iolanda Ventura (editor), 2020
General Knowledge Exam: NavaED: Everything you need to slay the FTCE GKT
Kathleen Marie Jasper Ed.D., 2017
Rabbinic Discourse as a System of Knowledge: "The Study of Torah is Equal to them All"
Hannah E Hashkes, 2015
Curiosity Studies: A New Ecology of Knowledge
Arjun Shankar (editor), Perry Zurn (editor), 2020
Impure Science: AIDS, Activism, and the Politics of Knowledge
Steven Epstein, 1996