نتایج جستجو

The Theory of Coherent Atomic Excitation: Simple Atoms and Fields
Bruce W. Shore, 1990
The Theory of Coherent Atomic Excitation: Multilevel Atoms and Incoherence
Bruce W. Shore, 1990
The Partition of Bengal and Assam, 1932-1947 : Contour of Freedom
Bidyut Chakrabarty, 2004
Churchill, Roosevelt, and India : propaganda during World War II
Auriol Weigold, 2008
Mind, Life and Matter in the Hyperverse
Gabriel Vacariu, Mihi Vacariu, 2010
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Defense
Stephan De Spiegeleire, Matthijs Maas, Tim Sweijs, 2017
Ontology after Ontotheology: Plurality, Event, and Contingency in Contemporary Philosophy
Gert -Jan van der Heiden, 2014
Violence and the Sacred
René Girard, 2005
Origen and the life of the stars: a history of an idea
Alan Scott, 1991
Artistic Research Theories, Methods and Practices
Mika Hannula, Juha Suorant, Tere Vadena, 2005
Self-Reflective Fiction and 4E Cognition
Merja Polvinen;, 2022
Philosophy and Blade Runner
Timothy Shanahan, 2014
Roma Felix Formation and Reflections of Medieval Rome
amonnCarragin;Carol Neuman de Vegvar;; Carol Neuman de Vegvar, 2007
Language and the Phenomenological Reductions of Edmund Husserl
Suzanne Cunningham, 1976
Rome and Religion in the Medieval World
Valerie L. Garver;Owen M. Phelan;; Owen M. Phelan, 2023
Modern Pupillometry: Cognition, Neuroscience, and Practical Applications
Megan H. Papesh (editor), Stephen D. Goldinger (editor), 2024
The Hollow Parties: The Many Pasts and Disordered Present of American Party Politics
Daniel Schlozman, Sam Rosenfeld, 2024
Historical Linguistics: Problems and Perspectives
Charles Jones (editor), 2013
Quantitative Equity Portfolio Management_ An Active Approach to Portfolio Construction and Management
Ludwig B. Chincarini, Daehwan Kim, 2022