نتایج جستجو

Development of Antibody-Based Therapeutics: Translational Considerations & Challenges
Mohammad A. Tabrizi, Gadi G. Bornstein, Scott L. Klakamp, 2018
Mohammad Mosaddeq and the 1953 Coup in Iran
Malcolm Byrne; Mark J. Gasiorowski, 2004
Reliability Engineering and Risk Analysis : A Practical Guide
Mohammad Modarres, Mark P. Kaminskiy, Vasiliy Krivtsov, 2017
History of Srinagar
Mohammad Ishaq Khan, 1978
Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah, 1985
Iran Under Allied Occupation in World War II: The Bridge to Victory & a Land of Famine
Mohammad Gholi Majd, 2016
Victorian Holocaust: Iran in the Great Famine of 1869-1873
Mohammad Gholi Majd, 2017
The Tragedy of Islam: Admissions of a Muslim Imam
Imam Mohammad Tawhidi, 7 Dec 2018
Revised proposal to include Luri alphabets
Mohammad Mogoei, Lateef Shaikh, 2018
Nanocomposites for Visible Light-induced Photocatalysis
Mohammad Mansoob Khan, Debabrata Pradhan, Youngku Sohn, 2017
Particle Swarm Optimization for Single Objective Continuous Space Problems: A Review
Mohammad Reza Bonyadi, Zbigniew Michalewicz, 2017
Islam and the Culture of Modern Egypt: From the Monarchy to the Republic
Mohammad Salama, 2018
Nonvitamin and nonmineral nutritional supplements
Nabavi, Seyed Mohammad; Silva, Ana Sanches, 2019
The Palgrave Handbook of Cross-Cultural Business Negotiation
Mohammad Ayub Khan, Noam Ebner, 2019
The City in the Muslim World: Depictions by Western Travel Writers
Mohammad Gharipour Nilay Ozlu (eds.), 2015
Fuad Safar, Mohammad Ali Mustafa, Seton Lloyd, 1981
Industrial Management Workbook
Mats Engwall,Bo Karlson,Mohammad Akhbari, 2018
L’Ésotérisme shi’ite, ses racines et ses prolongements: Shi’i Esotericism: Its Roots and Developments
Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, Maria De Cillis, Daniel De Smet, Orkhan Mir-Kasimov, 2016
Nutraceuticals and Natural Product Derivatives: Disease Prevention & Drug Discovery
Mohammad Fahad Ullah, Aamir Ahmad, 2019
Lignocellulosic Fibre and Biomass-Based Composite Materials. Processing, Properties and Applications. A volume in Woodhead Publishing Series in Composites Science and Engineering
Mohammad Jawaid, Paridah Md Tahir and Naheed Saba (Eds.), 2017
Records Classification: Concepts, Principles and Methods. Information, Systems, Context
Umi Asma Mokhtar and Zawiyah Mohammad Yusof (Auth.), 2017
Distributed Generation Systems. Design, Operation and Grid Integration
G.B. Gharehpetian and S. Mohammad Mousavi Agah (Auth.), 2017
Modeling and Analysis of Communicating Systems
Jan Friso Groote, Mohammad Reza Mousavi, 2014
Gardens of Renaissance Europe and the Islamic Empires: Encounters and Confluences
Mohammad Gharipour, 2017