نتایج جستجو

Advanced Machine Vision Paradigms for Medical Image Analysis (Hybrid Computational Intelligence for Pattern Analysis and Understanding)
Tapan K. Gandhi (editor), Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (editor), Sourav De (editor), Debanjan Konar (editor), Sandip Dey (editor), 2020
The Oxford Handbook of Political Executives
Rudy B. Andeweg (editor), Robert Elgie (editor), Ludger Helms (editor), Juliet Kaarbo (editor), Ferdinand Müller-Rommel (editor), 2020
Wireless Sensor Networks and the Internet of Things: Future Directions and Applications
Bhagirathi Nayak (editor), Subhendu Kumar Pani (editor), Tanupriya Choudhury (editor), Suneeta Satpathy (editor), Sachi Nandan Mohanty (editor), 2021
UAV Communications for 5G and Beyond (Wiley - IEEE)
Yong Zeng (editor), Ismail Guvenc (editor), Rui Zhang (editor), Giovanni Geraci (editor), David W. Matolak (editor), 2020
Computational Intelligence Methods for Green Technology and Sustainable Development: Proceedings of the International Conference GTSD2020
Yo-Ping Huang (editor), Wen-June Wang (editor), Hoang An Quoc (editor), Le Hieu Giang (editor), Nguyen-Le Hung (editor), 2020
The ESC Textbook of Intensive and Acute Cardiovascular Care
Marco Tubaro (editor), Pascal Vranckx (editor), Susanna Price (editor), Christiaan Vrints (editor), Eric Bonnefoy (editor), 2021
Problem solving in emergency radiology
Wayne Scott Kubal (editor); Joseph Yu (editor); Jorge A. Soto (editor); Stuart E. Mirvis (editor); Kathirkamanthan Shanmuganathan (editor), 2015
Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences: 10th International Conference, ICCABS 2020, Virtual Event, December 10-12, 2020, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12686)
Sumit Kumar Jha (editor), Ion Măndoiu (editor), Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (editor), Pavel Skums (editor), Alex Zelikovsky (editor), 2021
Handbook of PTSD: Science and Practice
Matthew J. Friedman (editor), Paula P. Schnurr (editor), Terence M. Keane (editor), Chadi Abdallah (editor), Garrett B. Aikens (editor), 2021
Advances in Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing: Proceeding of the 16th International Conference on IIHMSP in conjunction ... (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies)
Jeng-Shyang Pan (editor), Jianpo Li (editor), Oyun-Erdene Namsrai (editor), Zhenyu Meng (editor), Miloš Savić (editor), 2021
Histopathological image analysis in medical decision making
R. T. Goswami (editor); Himansu Das (editor); Nilanjan Dey (editor); Amira Ashour (editor); Harihar Kalia (editor), 2019
Food security and climate change
Robert John Redden (editor); Danny Hunter (editor); Andreas Ebert (editor); Jerry L. Hatfield (editor); Shyam S. Yadav (editor), 2019
Smith's textbook of endourology
Louis R. Kavoussi (editor); Glenn M. Preminger (editor); (Urologist) Arthur D. Smith (editor); Ardeshir R. Rastinehad (editor); Gopal H. Badlani (editor), 2019
Next–Generation Antennas: Advances and Challenges
Prashant Ranjan (editor), Dharmendra Kumar Jhariya (editor), Manoj Gupta (editor), Krishna Kumar (editor), Pradeep Kumar (editor), 2021
Big Data Analytics and Intelligent Techniques for Smart Cities
Kolla Bhanu Prakash (editor), Janmenjoy Nayak (editor), B tp Madhhav (editor), Sanjeevikumar Padmanaban (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), 2021
Cybersecurity in Emerging Digital Era: First International Conference, ICCEDE 2020, Greater Noida, India, October 9-10, 2020, Revised Selected Papers ... in Computer and Information Science, 1436)
Rajeev Agrawal (editor), Goutam Sanyal (editor), Kevin Curran (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), Madhu Sharma Gaur (editor), 2021
The Fusion of Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence, and Cloud Computing in Health Care
Patrick Siarry (editor), M.A. Jabbar (editor), Rajanikanth Aluvalu (editor), Ajith Abraham (editor), Ana Madureira (editor), 2021
Recent Trends in Computational Intelligence Enabled Research: Theoretical Foundations and Applications
Siddhartha Bhattacharyya (editor), Paramartha Dutta (editor), Debabrata Samanta (editor), Anirban Mukherjee (editor), Indrajit Pan (editor), 2021
Advances in Computer Vision and Computational Biology: Proceedings from IPCV'20, HIMS'20, BIOCOMP'20, and BIOENG'20 (Transactions on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence)
Hamid R. Arabnia (editor), Leonidas Deligiannidis (editor), Hayaru Shouno (editor), Fernando G. Tinetti (editor), Quoc-Nam Tran (editor), 2021
A Fusion of Artificial Intelligence and Internet of Things for Emerging Cyber Systems (Intelligent Systems Reference Library, 210)
Pardeep Kumar (editor), Ahmed Jabbar Obaid (editor), Korhan Cengiz (editor), Ashish Khanna (editor), Valentina Emilia Balas (editor), 2021
Machine Learning Approach for Cloud Data Analytics in IoT
Sachi Nandan Mohanty (editor), Jyotir Moy Chatterjee (editor), Monika Mangla (editor), Suneeta Satpathy (editor), Sirisha Potluri (editor), 2021
Fuzzy Intelligent Systems: Methodologies, Techniques, and Applications (Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing for Industrial Transformation)
R. Anandan (editor), E. Chandrasekaran (editor), G. Suseendran (editor), S. Balamurugan (editor), Hanaa Hachimi (editor), 2021
Fuzzy Intelligent Systems: Methodologies, Techniques, and Applications (Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing for Industrial Transformation)
R. Anandan (editor), E. Chandrasekaran (editor), G. Suseendran (editor), S. Balamurugan (editor), Hanaa Hachimi (editor), 2021
Big Data and Social Science: Data Science Methods and Tools for Research and Practice
Ian Foster (editor), Rayid Ghani (editor), Ron S. Jarmin (editor), Frauke Kreuter (editor), Julia Lane (editor), 2020