نتایج جستجو

Computational Intelligence: 11th International Joint Conference, IJCCI 2019, Vienna, Austria, September 17–19, 2019, Revised Selected Papers
Juan Julián Merelo, Jonathan Garibaldi, Alejandro Linares-Barranco, Kevin Warwick, Kurosh Madani, 2021
Facing Global Digital Revolution: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Economics, Management, and Accounting (Bes 2019), July 10, 2019, Semarang, Indonesia
Dyah Nirmala Arum Janie; Hendrati Dwi Mulyaningsih; Ani Wahyu, 2020
Excel 2019 PivotTables: Easy Excel Essentials 2019, #1
Humphrey, M. L, 2021
Excel 2019 PivotTables: Easy Excel Essentials 2019, #1
Humphrey, M. L, 2021
Intelligent Technologies and Applications: Second International Conference, INTAP 2019, Bahawalpur, Pakistan, November 6–8, 2019, Revised Selected ... in Computer and Information Science, 1198)
Imran Sarwar Bajwa (editor), Tatjana Sibalija (editor), Dayang Norhayati Abang Jawawi (editor), 2020
Theory and Practice of Computation: Proceedings of the Workshop on Computation: Theory and Practice (WCTP 2019), September 26-27, 2019, Manila, The Philippines
Shin-ya Nishizaki (editor), Masayuki Numao (editor), Merlin Teodosia Suarez (editor), Jaime Caro (editor), 2020
Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry-Cengage Learning (2019)_compresse
Frederick_ March, Jerry_ Brown, Willia Bettelheim_ William H.Brown_ Mary K. Campbell_ Shawn O Farrell_ Omar Torres - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry-Cengage Learning (2019)_compressed, 2019
(Eğitim Tanrısı) John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, Martin J. Blaser - Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases-Elsevier (2019)
(Eğitim Tanrısı) John E. Bennett, Raphael Dolin, Martin J. Blaser - Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett’s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases-Elsevier (2019) copy, 2020
General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2019 6 Volume Set Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe
General Studies for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2019 6 Volume Set Edgar Thorpe, Showick Thorpe, 2019
Brian T. Kloss - Graphic guide to infectious disease-Elsevier Inc. (2019) enhanced digital version
Brian T. Kloss , - Graphic guide to infectious disease-Elsevier Inc. (2019)_compressed, 2019
初心日语联盟 2019.1~2019.6
初心日语联盟 2019.7~2019.11
Computational Advances in Bio and Medical Sciences: 9th International Conference, ICCABS 2019, Miami, FL, USA, November 15–17, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12029)
Ion Măndoiu (editor), T. M. Murali (editor), Giri Narasimhan (editor), Sanguthevar Rajasekaran (editor), Pavel Skums (editor), Alexander Zelikovsky (editor), 2020
Composability, Comprehensibility and Correctness of Working Software: 8th Summer School, CEFP 2019, Budapest, Hungary, June 17–21, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science)
Zoltán Porkoláb (editor), Viktória Zsók (editor), 2023
Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases: European Conference, ECML PKDD 2019, Würzburg, Germany, September 16–20, 2019, Proceedings, Part II (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence)
Ulf Brefeld; Elisa Fromont; Andreas Hotho; Arno Knobbe; Marloes Maathuis; Céline Robardet
Chinese Lexical Semantics: 20th Workshop, CLSW 2019, Beijing, China, June 28–30, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11831)
Jia-Fei Hong (editor), Yangsen Zhang (editor), Pengyuan Liu (editor), 2020
Large-Scale Scientific Computing: 12th International Conference, LSSC 2019, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 10–14, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Theoretical Computer Science and General Issues)
Ivan Lirkov (editor), Svetozar Margenov (editor), 2020
Service-Oriented Computing – ICSOC 2019 Workshops: WESOACS, ASOCA, ISYCC, TBCE, and STRAPS, Toulouse, France, October 28–31, 2019, Revised Selected Papers (Programming and Software Engineering)
Sami Yangui (editor), Athman Bouguettaya (editor), Xiao Xue (editor), Noura Faci (editor), Walid Gaaloul (editor), Qi Yu (editor), Zhangbing Zhou (editor), Nathalie Hernandez (editor), Elisa Y. Nakagawa (editor), 2020
ACCA F2 Management Accounting Essential text
Kaplan Publishing UK
F6 Taxation TX (FA 07) - Pocket Notes (Acca)
Kaplan Publishing, 2008