نتایج جستجو

The ’Ars musica’ Attributed to Magister Lambertus/Aristoteles
Christian Meyer, Karen Desmond, 2017
Affective Societies: Key Concepts
Jan Slaby (Editor), Christian von Scheve (Editor), 2019
Mind Powers: How to use and control your unlimited potential
Christian H. Godefroy, 2001
Christian, Brian, 2013
A twenty-first century US water policy
Christian-Smith, Juliet; Cooley, Heather; Gleick, Peter H., 2016
Parallel Processing for Artificial Intelligence
Laveen N. KANAL, Vipin KUMAR, Hiroaki KITANO and Christian B. SUTTNER (Eds.), 1994
Guide du chasseur de phénomènes ovni
Christian de Zan, 1980
Contesting the City: The Politics of Citizenship in English Towns, 1250-1530
Christian D. Liddy, 2017
Doing Projects A Nordic Flavour to Managing Projects
Joana Geraldi, Christian Thuesen, Josef Oehmen, & Verena Stingl
The Christian’s Handbook of Manuscript Evidence
Peter S. Ruckman, 2011
Conversaciones ante la máquina : para salir del consenso desarrollista
Gastón Gordillo, Andrés Carrasco, Pedro Biscay, Sandro Mezzadra, Neka Jara, Alberto Spagnolo, Juan Pablo Hudson, Diego Valeriano, Colectivo Juguetes Perdidos, Christian Ferrer, Santiago López Petit, Osvaldo Saidón, Alejandro Horowicz, Bruno Nápoli, Giuseppe Cocco, Raquel Gutiérrez Aguilar, Amador Fernández Savater, Arturo Escobar, Jon Beasley-Murray, Rita Segato, Verónica Gago, Hugo Savino, 2015
Arguments Against the Christian Religion in Amsterdam
Saul Levi Morteira, 2017
HOPE AND COMMUNITY : a constructive christian theology for the pluralistic world
A Theology of the Christian Bible: Revelation – Inspiration – Canon
Denis Farkasfalvy, 2018
Christian Understandings of Evil: The Historical Trajectory
Charlene P E Burns, 2016
Christian Understandings of the Future: The Historical Trajectory
Amy Frykholm, 2016
Church and Empire (Ad Fontes: Early Christian Sources)
Maria E Doerfler (Author, Editor), Geroge Kalantzis (Editor), 2016
时间地图: 大历史130亿年前至今/Maps of time: an introduction to big history
David Christian, 2017
Introduction to Christian Liturgy
Frank C. Senn, 2012