نتایج جستجو

Mastering Microsoft Dynamics 365 Implementations
Eric Newell, 2021
Bill Gates és a Microsoft regénye
Daniel Ichbiah
Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET 6 and Beyond
Peter Himschoot, 2021
Microsoft Blazor: Building Web Applications in .NET 6 and Beyond
Peter Himschoot, 2021
Introducing Microsoft Quantum Computing for Developers: Using the Quantum Development Kit and Q#
Johnny Hooyberghs, 2021
Lavorare con Microsoft Excel 2016. Guida all'uso
Salvaggio, Alessandra, 2016
Programming Microsoft SQL Server 2012
Leonard Brust; Safari, an O'Reilly Media Company., 2012
Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Integration Services
Wee-Hyong Tok, Rakesh Parida, Matt Masson, Xiaoning Ding, Kaarthik Sivashanmugam, 2012
Microsoft Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference
Teresa Hennig, Rob Cooper, Geoffrey Griffi th, Jerry Dennison, 2010
Professional Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Integration Services
Devin Knight; Jessica M. Moss; Mike Davis; Brian Knight; Chris Rock, 2014
Microsoft Outlook 2016 Step by Step
Joan Lambert, 2016
Microsoft ® Excel ® Workbook
Paul McFedries, Greg Harvey, 2022
Hard Drive: Bill Gates and the Making of the Microsoft Empire
James Wallace, 1993
Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 for Windows, Web, Office, and Database Applications Comprehensive
Gary B. Shelly, Corinne Hoisington, 2010
Design and Deploy Microsoft Azure Virtual Desktop: An Essential Guide for Architects and Administrators
Puthiyavan Udayakumar, 2021