نتایج جستجو

PLOTINUS Ennead IVI.3-4.29: Problems Concerning the Soul: Translation, with an Introduction and Commentary (The Enneads of Plotinus)
John M. Dillon, Henry J. Blumenthal, 2015
The Clear Quran: A Thematic English Translation ("Allah" edition)
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, 2017
The Chinese Translation of Russian Literature: Three Studies
Mark Gamsa, 2008
Between the Lines: Yang Lian's Poetry Through Translation
Cosima Bruno, 2012
Experimental Chinese Literature: Translation, Technology, Poetics
Tong King Lee, 2015
The Clear Quran: A Thematic English Translation ("God" edition)
Dr. Mustafa Khattab, 2017
Controlled Document Authoring in a Machine Translation Age
Rei Miyata, 2020
Style, Wit and Word-Play: Essays in Translation Studies in Memory of David Hawkes
Laurence K. P. Wong (editor), Sin-wai Chan (editor), 2012
Rumi: Swallowing the Sun: Poems Translated from Persian
Rumi; Franklin D. Lewis, 2007
Convivial Poems : text and translation
Giovanni Pascoli; Egidio Lunardi; Robert Nugent, 1981
Law, State, and Society in Early Imperial China: A Study with Critical Edition and Translation of the Legal Texts from Zhangjiashan Tomb no. 247
Anthony J. Barbieri-Low; Robin D.S. Yates, 2015
Translation as Recovery
Sujit Mukherjee; Meenakshi Mukherjee, 2004
Manilius, Astronomica, Buch V: Einfuhrung, Text und Ubersetzung
Marcus Manilius; Wolfgang Hübner, 2010
I Progimnasmi di Severo di Alessandria (Severo di Antiochia?): introduzione, traduzione e commento
Eugenio Amato; Gianluca Ventrella, 2009
Translational Urinomics
Hugo Miguel Baptista Carreira dos Santos, 2021