نتایج جستجو

Greek Basic Course Volume 1
coll., 1968
Greek Basic Course Volume 3
coll., 1969
Greek Basic Course Volume 2
coll., 1968
The Tragedy of Ukraine: What Classical Greek Tragedy Can Teach Us About Conflict Resolution
Nicolai N. Petro, 2022
Documents from Berenike. Volume III. Greek ostraka from the 2009-2013 seasons
Rodney Ast, Roger S. Bagnall, 2016
Classical Greek Tragedy
Judith Fletcher, 2022
Short Manual of Greek Palaeography
Van Groningen, B. A., 1953
Physics and Philosophy of Nature in Greek Neoplatonism: Proceedings of the European Science Foundation Exploratory Workshop (Il Ciocco, Castelvecchio Pascoli, June 22–24, 2006)
Riccardo Chiaradonna, Franco Trabattoni, 2009
Greek Myth
Lowell Edmunds, 2021
Diversity in Black Greek Letter Organizations
Wendy Marie Laybourn, Devon R. Goss, 2018
Studies on Greek and Coptic Majuscule Scripts and Books
Pasquale Orsini, 2018
Studies on Greek and Coptic Majuscule Scripts and Books
Pasquale Orsini, 2018
Greek, Demotic and Coptic Papyri and Ostraca in the Leiden Papyrological Institute
F.A.J. Hoogendijk, Joanne Vera Stolk, 2023
Early Syriac Translation Technique & the Textual Criticism of the Greek Gospels
Peter J. Williams, 2004
On Coming After: Studies in Post-Classical Greek Literature and its Reception
Richard Hunter, 2008
Minds on Stage: Greek Tragedy and Cognition
Felix Budelmann, Ineke Sluiter, 2023
Constructing Saints in Greek and Latin Hagiography: Heroes and Heroines in Late Antique and Medieval Narrative (French Edition) (Fabulae, 2) (English and French Edition)
Julie Van Pelt (editor), Klazina Staat (editor), 2023
Greek and Syriac Miniatures in Jerusalem (Kiraz Manuscript Archive)
William Henry Paine Hatch, 2012
Seeing Theater: The Phenomenology of Classical Greek Drama
Naomi Weiss, 2023
Greek and Syrian Miniatures in Jerusalem
Hatch, William Henry Paine, 1931