نتایج جستجو

Scientific Reasoning and Argumentation: The Roles of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Knowledge
Frank Fischer (editor), Clark A. Chinn (editor), Katharina Engelmann (editor), Jonathan Osborne (editor), 2018
Scientific and technical education in India, 1781-1900
Samarendra Nath Sen, 1991
Vedic Physics: Scientific Origin of Hinduism
Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Vedic Physics: Scientific Origin of Hinduism
Raja Ram Mohan Roy, 2015
To Vaccinate or not to Vaccinate: A Review of Scientific Literature on Vaccines
A. Amantonio, July 3 2020
Scientific diasporas as development partners: Skilled migrants from Colombia, India and South Africa in Switzerland: empirical evidence and policy responses
Gabriela Tejada Guerrero (editor), Jean-Claude Bolay (editor), Jean-Baptiste Meyer, 2010
Physics without Metaphysics? Categories of Second Generation Scientific Ontology
Raphael Neelamkavil, 2015
Handbook of Psychotropic Herbs: A Scientific Analysis of Herbal Remedies for Psychiatric Conditions
Ethan B Russo, Virginia M Tyler, 2015
Climate Change Temporalities; Explorations in Vernacular, Popular, and Scientific Discourse
Kyrre Kverndokk (editor), Marit Ruge Bjærke (editor), Anne Eriksen (editor), 2021
Alternative science - challenging the myths of the scientific establishment
Milton, Richard, 1996
Scientific Computing with Python
Claus Führer, 2021
Mind Over Medicine: Scientific Proof That You Can Heal Yourself
Lissa Rankin MD, 2013
Scientific Americans: Invention, Technology, and National Identity
Susan Branson, 2021
Clinical Nutrients in Cancer Therapy : A scientific review and perspective
Matthias Rath MD, Linus Pauling PhD, A Niedzwiecki, S Netke, V Ivanov, MW Roomi, T Kalinovsky, 2021
Science Periodicals in Nineteenth-Century Britain: Constructing Scientific Communities
Gowan Dawson (editor), Bernard Lightman (editor), Sally Shuttleworth (editor), Jonathan R. Topham (editor), 2020
The Scientific Revolution: A Brief History with Documents
Margaret C. Jacob, 2019
The Scientific Revolution: A Brief History with Documents
Margaret C. Jacob, 2019